Chapter Twelve: Introducing the second OC

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(@bx12mxlec provided this OC for me as I wanted to thank them for their continued support)

Charlie was rushing around her house looking for her lacrosse stick, she knew it was somewhere in her room, but as per usual nothing was going to plan. She had a game this afternoon and Izzy would start texting her in a blind panic if she didn't leave the house in the next five minutes. Charlie threw open her cupboard and saw a photo of her and a blond girl, she smiled to herself and picked up the photo, the girl in it was her ex-best friend and crush. Before she moved away, Charlie had told her friend of her feelings, to which her friend had smiled and hugged her whispering into her ear 'I like you too' before walking back into her house. Charlie never heard from her again, no phone calls, no texts no nothing. She could feel a tear making its way down her chin, her gaze was broken when she heard her mother coming up the stairs. She chucked the photo back into the cupboard and wiped the tear off her face and started looking for her stick again

'Charlie' called her mother 'Are you nearly ready to go? If you don't leave soon, I'll have Isabelle calling the house again, and you know how I hate that'

'I'm just looking for my lacrosse stick, I'll be down soon' Charlie shouted back in her mother's direction as she carried on looking for her stick. Her eyes light up as she spots her stick at the back of the cupboard.

'Found it' Charlie shouted down to her mother 'I'm just coming now'

Charlie picked up her stick and shut the door grabbed her bag and made her way downstairs, she walked into the kitchen

'I'm going to go now, I'm sure Izzy is getting angrier by the minute, I'll see you later' she kissed her mother on the cheek before opening the door to an annoyed Izzy waiting by the car

'Where have you been, we're going to be late' Izzy said with a slight irritation in her voice

Charlie laughed, 'Don't worry Iz, we still have half an hour and it takes us 10 mins to get to school we'll be fine.' Izzy smiled

'You looking forward to the game today Iz? Reckon you'll score again? Charlie asked, Izzy was their best player in attack, whereas Charlie was their best defender, they always worked well together and got the most goals for the team in their history.

Izzy tilts her head in thought, 'lets see...yes, especially if my defender works well. Plus you'll have your biggest supporter and admirer watching from the sidelines to urge you on'

Charlie blushed at Izzys remark. The admirer she was talking about was Charlie's boyfriend Julian Blackthorn, the best artist at their school. They were an odd couple, but they seemed to work.

Charlie winked at her as they both climbed into the car, Charlie plugged her phone into the car and Eminem's Curtain Call came onto the radio. Izzy rolled her eyes as Charlie started singing along to 'My Name Is' and the rapping carried on until the pair drove into their school.

As soon as Charlie got out of the car something caught her eye, the was a blonde girl she didn't recognise walking into the school, even though she could only see the back of the girls head, Charlie felt like she knew her in some way. Charlie shook her head slightly as she noticed Julian waiting by the steps to the front of the school. She ran up to him after grabbing her stuff from the back of Izzy's car, and gave him a quick kiss.

'Hey' she said

'Hey yourself' replied Julian as he picked up her lacrosse stick and then put her hand in his. 'You ready for class?' he asked, Charlie just replied with a groan, 'I'll take that as a no then' he laughed as they walked into the school.

The couple was walking to Julian's locker when Charlie stopped dead and dropped her bag

Julian turned to his girlfriend and looked worried, Charlie was looking at a blonde who was a few metres ahead of her

'Emma??' she breathed

The blonde was looking at her with the same shocked look on her face


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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