Chapter Six

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*It was 10:00 on Saturday morning, Alec had only just woken up, he looked around his room, but it wasn't his room, different wallpaper, and different bed. The he felt something move beside him and Magnus, to his surprise was there, he lifted himself up and kissed Alec on the shoulder,

"What are you doing up Alec, come on, go back to sleep" Magnus said sleepily, Alec turned round to look at Magnus

"What are you doing here Magnus?"

"What do you mean, I live here, /we/ live here, we have for years" Magnus replied as he yawned, Alec laid back down and faced him

"Sorry Magnus, had a bit of a blank moment" he said as he smiled at his boyfriend

"It's alright darling" Magnus smiled back and kissed him softly, Alec was surprised by this but then started to kiss back, his hands went to Magnus' waist pulling him closer to his so their bear chests were touching, Magnus deepened the kiss even more, his tongue running across Alec's lip.....*

Alec woke up in a hot sweat, what had he just been dreaming off, he barely knew Magnus, why was he dreaming like this, they'd only been out once.


(A/N - I will be bringing Maia and Jordan in now, they will already be together. Maia will be best friends with Izzy, and Jordan with Jace and Alec)

It was Monday morning; the weekend had passed and had been nothing eventful had happened.

Maia was running around the room looking for her leather jacket, "Jordan" she shouted to her boyfriend, "have you seen my leather jacket?" Jordan walked out of the shower with just a towel around his waist, showing his tattoos (mantras from the Upanishads) on his arms,

"It's behind the chair, Maia" he said as he pointed to it,

"Thanks" Maia replied as she picked it up, "I'll be waiting in the kitchen for you" she said as she kissed him quickly and left their room. They had been together for 5 years; both had no family so they decided to live together that was 2.5 years ago. Jordan had money so they had no problems with bills etc, they were happy.

Jordan changed quickly and went down to the kitchen where Maia was making coffee, she passed one to him,

"Izzy's coming over tonight, you want to get Alec and Jace over, it could be fun?" she asked sweetly

"Unfortunately" Jordan replied "Jace has a date tonight, but I'll see if Alec's free"

Maia laughed "Alec /will/ be free, he'll say he isn't but he is, you know what he's like, studying all the time" She looked at her watch, "They should be waiting for us now, you ready to go?" Jordan nodded and they walked out, and as Maia predicted, there they were, Jace, Izzy and Alec, and they were arguing about something, as usual

"Am I the only one who paid attention in History, the Battle of the Somme was in 1916 not 1915! Oh hey Jordan, hey Maia." Alec said as he waved at them both

"Hey guys" Jordan called out as he closed their front gate, he took hold of Maia's hand as they started their walk to school,

"I heard that there are some new kids starting in our year today" Maia said, "Mr Starkwether told us, I think their names are Emma and Julian, but I could be wrong" Izzy, Jace, Maia, Jordan and Simon were all a year below Alec, Magnus and Raphael.

When they got to school, they all split up into their separate groups, Izzy and Maia, then Alec, Jace and Jordan. However saw Clary and took Jordan away to meet her, so there was Alec all alone in the corridor, until a certain boy filled the space next to him,

Happiness can be found in the weirdest places {Malec AU}Where stories live. Discover now