Chapter Ten

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Clary was sitting on her bed, she had been crying for a long time. She had kissed Isabelle, and Izzy had kissed her back. Clary was so confused, she had known she was bisexual for a long time, but she had never felt this way about a girl before. She laid back on her bed, then there was a knock on her door

"Clary darling. Are you alright? You haven't been out of your room all day." Asked her mother Jocelyn, who had stuck her head around the door. She saw her daughter's red puffy eyes and she came in fully shutting the door behind her, not wanting to disturb her boyfriend Luke, who was working on his novel in his study across the hall.  Clary looked up at her mother and started crying again. 

"Oh my sweetheart" Jocelyn exclaimed as she rushed to her daughter, "what on earth is the matter? Has Jace done something? I'll get Luke to talk to him, that'll sort him out."

Clary laughed slightly "No mum, it's not Jace, he has nothing to do with it. But I do need to tell you something though, and it is very important. I've known this for a long time, but I have never had the courage to tell you, until now. Mum, I'm bisexual....and I think I've found the girl of my dreams" her voice trailed off with the last word, she put her head down waiting to hear her mother's disappointed reaction

"Oh Clary, that's wonderful. You should never have been scared to tell me. You're such a brave girl!" Jocelyn said as she hugged her daughter tightly before releasing her and wiping the tears away that had formed in her eyes before doing the same to her daughter

"So" she said "Who is the lucky girl that is going to become my daughter-in-law?"

Clary laughed, "her name is Isabelle Lightwood, but I don't think she feels the same way I do. She proved that yesterday" her head drooped again and tears fell into her lap

Jocelyn pulled a puzzled look "how do you know that sweetheart?"

"I kissed her mum" Clary said looking her mother straight in the eye "I kissed her and the look she gave me afterwards, she obviously didn't like it" more tears fell from Clary's eyes

"Well" Jocelyn said, "did she kiss back" 

Clary nodded

"I think you have your answer darling" Her mother whispered as she pushed a stray piece of hair out of her daughters face. "Now, go get her, and don't come home until you've made up. Then bring her back, I want to meet her."

Clary laughed at her mother before jumping offer her bed and cleaning her face, 

"Okay mum, I'll be back soon." and with that, Clary ran out of her room, forgetting her coat on the way out


Alec had left Magnus with his parents in the kitchen, they were getting on so well, so he was able to sneak out in order to check on his sister. Alec made his way upstairs, and when he got to Isabelle's door he knocked

"Iz? Everything alright?" There was no reply, but Alec heard some sniffs, Izzy was obviously upset "I'm going to come in now, okay. Just me, mum and dad are downstairs." He opens the door tentatively, weary that Iz was probably going to throw a shoe at him as he entered, but thst was not the case

As Alec opened the door fully, he saw his sister crying on her bed, he let out a deep sigh and shut the door behind him before sitting at the foot of her bed.

"Come on Izzy, come and talk to me" Alec said softly, as soon as he finished, and much to his surprise, Isabelle sat up and moved to her brother, resting her head on his shoulder, he placed an arm around her shoulders

Happiness can be found in the weirdest places {Malec AU}Where stories live. Discover now