Chapter 1. THE MEET

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It was at the time where things were starting to change. Great leaders were joining in. Great festivals were being celebrated. Mother Rossia was proud of her doings, and so were her allies.

"It feels great to be big..." Mother Rossia mumbled happily, slumping down into her chair with others around her.

As her and her friends watch their servants working, and aching, Mother Rossia was notified for someone new. Some leader that was new, shy, and small. Why, Mother Rossia did not worry about any size indeed, but she was VERY curious that a weak, little, leader and her nation wanted to help such a big, and giant leader.

As they reached to the meeting center of great powers, Mother Rossia was looking all around for her, but couldn't find her at all! That's till she heard a soft voice, "Ahem... uh.... d-down here! Hehe..."

Mother Rossia felt the pitiful sorrow, and looked down right below her waist, and spotted a short leader. A really short one indeed! Mother Rossia kneeled down, willing to take a closer examine at the small leader.

"My, my," uttered Mother Rossia, "you're where my navel (short and mature word for belly button) go! You're about size of deer I ate whole!"

"Hehe... yeah... I guess you could say I'm a short freak... I just wanted to remind you that I was rejected a couple of times... yet, I may be small, but I have great land resources to offer and trade, or to provide!" the leader squeaked.

"Name?" Mother Rossia asked.

"Oh- S-Sorry! I almost completely forgot! I'm... America."

Mother Rossia wanted to laughed, but she didn't want to be rude on the first meet. Shortly after though, she just couldn't help herself. She was legit staring at a 3' 4" leader! Mother Rossia was about 8' 10"! What a difference. She's heard about all the battles and fights America won, but this? This was just unacceptable and unbelievable! Mother Rossia wiped away her tears of joy out of her eyes from laughing so hard, and stared back down at America. She noticed that America was just staring at Mother Rossia's gut in curiosity and fear. She didn't want to point out the obvious though.

"So," Mother Rossia coughed, "you want trade to happen? Fellowship to flow?"


"Hmmmm..." Mother Rossia sighed rubbing her gut in a craving for Vodka. She was unsure to accept the alliance, but she seemed to ask America for another use if the process is allowed.

"Only one thing you must say da, or nah. Work for Mother Rossia, or no trade and the fellow of shipping!"

"U-uh..." America whimpered in confusion and fear. Did America really want to join and accept the deal. Or, does she really want to be rejected the 5th time? Finally, America makes her decision.

"Okay Mother Russia..." she sighs, "I'll work for you... Just as long you don't treat me like a communist citizen! I am America after all..."

"Yeah, yeah." Mother Rossia moaned, "Little man you are, da..."

America looks back at Mother Rossia, and stared at her gut again. She wasn't sure if it was just the vodka, or if it was just her eating habits that made her seem pretty stuffed. She really thought that the hat looked cute though. For some reason, America just wanted to REALLY rub it, but she digressed, and had to move on to meet the other countries.

Mother Rossia (Russia) A Zatie World Powers storyWhere stories live. Discover now