Why do they always laugh? I asked myself, thinking back to Mikki, Kai, Min, Yukwon, and all the others who've gone shopping with me. They all laugh. It never fails.

Jaehyo soon came into sight with an armful of clothes.

"Um... Jaehyo?" I scanned through all the items he placed on the bench. It was all girls clothing. "These aren't for me are they?"

"No, they're mine." He said sarcastically, but quickly added a 'Just Kidding' to his sentence. "I'm only kidding."

"You want...me...to try....on all of this?" I asked slowly, pointing a finger to myself in disbelief. Jaehyo chuckled lightly, his signature smirk forming on his lips.

"Yes. Today, you are the Princess." He poked my cheeks, making me smile. "And after this, we will go anywhere you want and I won't torture you with clothes anymore. Just you and me. Arasso?"

I pressed my lips into a thin line to suppress a smile and gave a court nod. Princess? He handed me the coordinated outfits and ushered me into the changing room. After the door closed behind me, I smiled like an idiot.

One by one, I stepped out in every single outfit he had out for me and I held a different expression for each one, causing him to laugh at me. That sly, goofy grin never left his face.

After I was finished, he bought all of it, no matter how much I complained for him not to. I even tried putting everything back, but he wouldn't hear any of it! I pouted. Before I knew it, Jaehyo stole a kiss, making me blush.

Mental note number one: don't pout near Jaehyo.

As Jaehyo promised, we went anywhere I wanted. First, we went back to mine to drop off the stuff, then went to the park.

When we got to the park, I beamed like a little kid. "Jaehyo, can you push me on the swings?"

He had his hands in his pockets and tilted his head to the side. "Only on one condition."

He leaned down, his breath tickling my ear. "Call me Oppa."

I looked at him, shocked. What the heck?

"What?! Why?"

He smirked. "Cause I want you to."

I bit my lip, glancing at the swing set, then to Jaehyo, then back to the swing set. I heaved a sigh. "Alright, but lean down so I can say it to you face to face."

He did as told, smiling as he waited. This time, it was my time to smirk.

"Nope." I smiled, popping the 'P' as I took off running. I heard Jaehyo mutter something incoherent, then the sound of foot steps followed.

I was now a victim of the game of chase.

I squeal escaped my lips as a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist, spinning me around in the air before Jaehyo tripped, landing me on top of him. I smiled down at him teasingly, then he flipped us to where he was hovering over me.

He pecked my nose.

"Say it."


He planted two kisses, one on each cheek.

"Say it!"


He sighed, shaking his head. "If that's how you really feel," Jaehyo smiled as his hands made their way to my stomach. My eyes widened with fear.

"Jae, don't. Don't--" my sentence was cut short with uncontrollable laughter. "Stop-- tickling-- me!"

"Not until you say it~"

"Anything! Just- please!! Stop!!" I was thankful no one else was in the park to hear my laughter. "Please-- Oppa!!"

The tickling came to a halt as a wicked grin appeared on his face.

"Sorry what?" He pretended not to hear. I bit my lip, preventing a pout.

"Jaehyo Oppa, please stop tickling me." I said sweetly, looking up at him with big eyes.

He leaned in close. I was expecting a kiss, but was a bit disappointed to realize that wasn't it. He brushed some grass out of my hair, then helped me to my feet, leading me to the swings.

My chest was thumping faster than normal.

Is this what love is?


Chapter 13 Preview:

"I can't think right because of you! I don't even know who I am anymore!"

"Just leave me alone."



Happy Valentine's Day (;

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