Chapter Twelve

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As soon as he hears the hiss, Coughy knows that Blushful has turned. Damn. He hoped the raylee root would slow the infection. He scrambles to cover the pot of flammable liquid on the kitchen counter—a volatile blend of cooking oil, coal-oil, and lubricant—not sleeping gas, but liquid explosive. Fumes sting his nose, even through the napkin tied over his face.

He reaches for his lantern.


The second hiss starts upstairs and finishes below with an awesome crash.

Now on the ground floor, Blushful rises to his knees. The remains of the chair hang by tangled ropes from his waist, arms, and legs. Blood drips from his hand and his mouth, now a twisted snarl. A sliver of bone juts out from his forearm through shredded muscle and splotches of fat. His busted nose points sideways.

Blushful stands, and chair fragments clack together. The shadows cast by Coughy’s lantern tremble. The cottage and all its contents are as terrified as he is. He can’t take his eyes off the drool and blood dripping from Blushful’s sneer. Infection. Disease. Death.


With a lurch, Blushful charges at Coughy. The terrified dwarf grabs a kitchen knife and drives the blade bone-deep into Blushful’s shoulder. Sounds like flint striking stone.

Blushful doesn’t notice. He shoves his face into Coughy’s neck. He stinks of ointment, sweat, and spoiled food. Coughy pushes at Blushful, but teeth dig into his flesh and clink against clavicle.

The wound is a freshly struck match. Coughy shivers, first in revulsion, but then convulses involuntarily. He throws his head back and chokes on a scream. The lantern shatters on the counter.

He bumps against the pot filled with fire.

Grouchy and Snoozy run down the stairs.

It’s only a matter of moments before the liquid explosion erupts.

“G-get away,” Coughy sputters. “Get the hells—”


This time, the hiss is caused by flame kissing vapor. The explosion screams in his ears, louder than any thunderstorm. In an agonizing flash, it hurls him and Blushful across the room. His body crunches into the wall, then rolls in a burning tangle across the floor. His back boils like a bubbling cauldron. For one blissful moment, everything goes black.

Far too soon, a terrible fire ignites within.

That Risen Snow: A Scary Tale of Snow White and Zombies (Wattys 2014 Award Winner)Where stories live. Discover now