24 ; Three Words

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My fingers reach for my phone and dial Adelines' number.

No answer. 

I call again but there's still no answer. 

"Fuck!" I punch the side of my car. Pain shoots up my arm but I ignore it. I look at the screen and hesitate for a moment. But my fingers type before I can stop them because I know I'll need backup. 

"Who is this?" the other person is out of breath.

"It's Jackson."

There's some noise on the other line and I hear someone talking. Probably a girl.

"What do you want?" Tyler's voice is coated with hatred. Likewise, I think.

"Adeline's gone." I grit my teeth. My heart is in my throat. Fucking hell. This is all my fault. Shit.

"What do you mean she's gone?!" Tyler rages.

"It means she's gone! Someone's taken her..."

"What the fuck are you talking about!? Jackson, if you're kidding me I will kill you."

"I'm not fucking with you. You need to get here. Now."

There's more shuffling on the other line. "Where are you?" 

"Meet me at the gym," I respond. Then I hang up.

I make it to the gym in record speed, not caring that I almost ran over a cat on the way.

Tyler pulls up three minutes later, parking sideways so he's taking up three slots. It doesn't matter though as the parking lot is almost empty. Two people get out of the car, the first one being a girl I've seen hanging with Adeline. Her blonde curls waft in all directions in the wind.

Tyler steps out of the car next and he looks pissed as hell. They both walk hastily towards me and my truck.

"Why the hell did you bring a girl?" I glare at Tyler. Does he want her to be in danger?

"It's not his fault. I insisted on coming," the girl pipes in, voice careful and calculated.

I let it go. She's Tylers' responsibility if something happens. And I know it will.

"Where'd you last see Addy?" Tyler asks.

"Rubys' Cafe."

"Then why the hell are we here?!"

"Because I think Sebastian has her." My voice is a lot calmer than I feel. 

Tyler takes a step forward and his fist comes flying towards my face. I dodge it and prepare to punch back.

"Stop! The both of you!" The girl screams and steps between us.

Tyler is glaring at me over her head. "Hailee step out of the way." His voice is low and menacing but the girl- Hailee, doesn't back down. Damn, she's got some balls.

"No," she says, voice just as strong. 

"Hailee, he deserves it."

Hailee turns her back to me, focusing her attention on Tyler. "It doesn't matter. All that matters is Adeline."

Tyler glares at me but takes a step back.

"Why does he have Adeline?"

"I might've stabbed his best drug dealer."

"You what?! Why the fuck would you do that?! And why the fuck is Adeline involved?!" Tyler loses it as he takes a step forward.

But he's stopped by Hailee once again. He's so whipped. Hailee looks oddly not surprised at the revelation. She places her hands on Tylers chest and pushes him back a little further.

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