I plucked the knife from her hand, produced a small cut and let my hand hover above the Dauntless coals without hesitation.

The coals sizzled as my dark red blood trickled down the glowing black substance in the gray bowl.

No regrets.

I will be like my sister.

"Dauntless." Jeanine announced.

A cheer erupted from the Dauntless side.

I went to sit down there, not willing to look back to see my parents' betrayed faces.

I knew they would feel hurt that their only, and last child would leave them off to another faction.

But I knew who I was.

I was Dauntless.

At least that's what I think.

As the ceremony ended, people started trickling out if the Hub

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As the ceremony ended, people started trickling out if the Hub.

Soon, the rest of the Dauntless stood up and started jumping and running out of the Hub, making a very loud beeline for the doors.

A small smile started to tug on my lips.

This is it.

My new life will start.

Adrenaline started pumping through my veins as my legs pumped and made me jog up to speed with the rest.

I jumped into the train with ease and settled to a spot near the doors, feeling the cool breeze hit my face in a calming sense.

My sister once told me about this. And even if people say the Dauntless are crazy, I decided I want to be crazy with them.

Soon, the train sped up, but I saw a lone Candor, running to catch up. I immediately let out my hand to help her up.

Hey! I do help people who I want to! I did grow up in Abnegation for something.

Her hand caught hold of mine first, then, her whole body came up the train.

Her breaths evened out as she gave me a grateful look. "Thanks."

"No problem." I smiled at her. "I'm Alivia, by the way." I stuck out my hand in greeting.

She mirrored my smile and stuck her hand out to shake mine. "Camille."

A round of silence filled with panting comsumed the train where the new initiates were; I was included.

The tall buildings whizzed by as the train sped towards the Dauntless compound. And soon, the comforting rest was broken my a shout. "WE'RE JUMPING!"

From beside me, I felt Camille freeze in shock. "WHAT?!"

From watching them everyday, I already know this. "Yeah, look." I said, pointing out the daring Dauntless borns jumping onto the roof of the compound that was rearing up.

She started muttering profanities under her breath. "They must be crazy."

I put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring squeeze. I raised my brow at her with a smile.

"Together?" Camille asked as she offered me her hand.

"Together. On three" I said as I took her hand in mine.




We jumped together to the roof, the wind blowing at my long gray skirt.

I landed on my feet, stumbling a few steps while Camille rolled onto the roof on her hands and kness.

I helped her up. "Thanks again." She beamed. "How'd you land on your feet?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "Must be luck."

She nodded her head, "You-"

"LISTEN UP, INITIATES!" shouted a tall dark skinned man. He got everyone's attention and gave us all a surveying look.

"The names Maddox." The man bellowed. "Now, to enter to Dauntless, you must jump off this ledge and into that hole over there."

That's when I notice that in the center of the building where the ground was far below us, was a gaping hole on the granite grounds that gives you all the room to imagine how you would die if you fall into it.

"Is there water down there?" Asked a boy clad in blue.


"The only way to find out is to jump." Maddox shrugged

"So, who will be the first jumper?"

Everybody murmured, probably not having the guts to jump first.

"Are you?"


"Yeah. You gonna go jump?"

"Me? No, stupid! I ain't doing that!"

I wanted to laugh.

These people are trying to get into Dauntless?


Nobody's probably gonna jump. Guess we're gonna hang out here longer than I thought we would!






At least ten seconds passed.

No one?

I looked around the faces of the other initiates. None of them seem to want to jump.

Oh well, I'll do it. Nobody wanted to!

"Me" I stated.

"Ooh, a stiff." A boy from Candor said, elbowing his friend with a scoffing look.

I stood on the ledge and looked at the hole. It's too dark to see what lies beneath it.

Guess I'll know if I die or not after I fall.

Without hesitation, I jumped off the ledge.


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