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Josh gulped as he stared at all of the food that was set on the table.

They were trying something new tonight. Josh was still a little uneasy about gaining weight, but he still wanted to try. So Tyler had made a bunch of food so Josh could try a stuffing and see if he liked it.

"Ready?" Tyler asked while he set a tall glass of soda next to his boyfriend's empty plate.

Josh hesitated before nodding.

Tyler frowned. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to."

Josh quickly shook his head. "No. No, I want to do this. Definitely."

"Okay..." Tyler began to scoop spaghetti on the yellow-haired boy's plate. "Remember, anything you don't eat, I'll finish happily." He grinned.

Josh rolled his eyes. "Mhmm, whatever."

Tyler then poured the pasta sauce on and sprinkled Parmesan cheese on top. A lot of cheese (But Josh really loves cheese on his pasta, okay?). He then finished off the plate with a fresh piece of garlic bread and set it back in front of his boyfriend.

Tyler fidgeted with his hands. "Um... Did you - Do you want me to feed you or... you can feed yourself. I don't know." He looked down shyly.

"Can you feed me?" Josh asked quietly. "Only if you want to, of course."

Tyler's face visibly brightened as he jumped up with a grin. He nodded and took the fork he had set out and started to twirl the thin pasta onto it.

"Here comes the train." Tyler joked as he lifted the fork towards his lover's mouth.

Josh burst into giggles and covered his face with his hand. It was so cute, Tyler couldn't help but laugh along.

"You're such a dork." Josh remarked as his giggles subsided.

Tyler smiled softly. "But I'm your dork."

Something flashed across Josh's face - Tyler couldn't put his finger on it, but it almost looked like relief. Josh quickly regained his composure. Before he looked tense and unsure about all of this, but now he looked much more relaxed and happy, so Tyler brushed it off.

The brunette then began to finally feed his boyfriend. Josh had to admit, it was kind of nice to get the attention. And if Tyler ended up getting pasta sauce all over Josh's face, clothes, and the kitchen - on purpose - then, well... Josh could just get his revenge later.


Josh groaned from where he was laying on the couch. "I don't know how you can possibly eat so much in one sitting and like it." He was starting to feel bad. Is this how Tyler felt at the beginning when he found sneaky ways to get him to eat more? How could he be getting any joy out of this?

Tyler grimaced. "I'm sorry. Did I feed you too much?"

"It's okay. I kept telling you to feed me more. You always say you like how it feels when you're overly full, so I thought if I continued to have more it'd eventually feel good. Didn't work." Josh said and started to laugh, but it turned into another groan when he felt another sharp pain from his stomach again.

Tyler laughed softly. "Maybe I should give you one of those world famous belly rubs that you give me then, huh?"

Josh gave him his best puppy dog face. "Please?"

Tyler rolled his eyes, but smiled fondly. "Only for you, loser."

Josh grinned while Tyler rolled his shirt up. He pressed gently, rubbing soft circles into his belly where he knew it probably hurt the most.

They sat like that in silence while Josh breathed deeply through his nose.

When the pain lessened and he thought he could speak without grimacing, Josh spoke again. "Maybe we'll just leave the stuffing to you. I don't think it's my thing." He smiled sadly.

Tyler nodded, not taking his hands off from where they were still rubbing his boyfriend's belly gently. "Agreed."

"I can always gain a couple pounds by eating complete junk for every meal." Josh shrugged.

Tyler laughed a little before they fell back into a comfortable silence again.

"Feel better now?" Tyler asked after a few more minutes.

Josh nodded and Tyler removed his hands.

"It's a shame you couldn't eat more than you did." Tyler said and his boyfriend gave him a confused look. "I have an entire chocolate cake in there. But it's mine now."

Josh burst into laughter while the brunette stood up, with slight difficulty, and ran into the kitchen.


I am SO sorry this took forever, but I promise stuff is going to start picking up soon 👀 (still open to suggestions though ❤️)

fatten you up // joshler Where stories live. Discover now