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The next day was hell.

Of course, those girls did post the video, but that wasn't what made Josh the angriest. Turns out, they weren't even fans like they said.

They had posted the video on one of their personal Twitter pages and told the story along with it:

"omg guys, we saw twenty one pilots walking around yesterday and you won't believe what happened

ok so here's the story: they walked into this bakery downtown while we were there and lemme tell ya, the lead singer is so fucking fat now

like I was never a fan but they're kinda hot ya know? drummer still is, but nah not tyler. he's like, almost obese it's disgusting

anyway, so we decided to wait around and try to get a pic bc hey !! famous people ! but little did we know ooo boyyy

tyler ordered sooo much and was just pigging out right there. like dude, we all know you're fat you don't want to do that in private?

josh looked so uninterested btw. probs just sticks around bc the band brings in a lot of cash lol

but this dude tyler was such a mess oh god. he had icing all over his face and shit and he jusT KEPT EATING

he looked so full too like dude?? this is why you're fat?? his stomach was literally bulging in front of him he looked pregnant lmao

but it was getting rlly boring sitting around so we were like whatever let's just go get a pic

so we went over and the dude was still shoveling fOOD IN HIS DAMN FACE

and we totally lied and said we were big fans and we wanted a pic lol but they agreed

but tyler's face was still a mess sO JOSH LITERALLY HAD TO HELP HIM WIPE HIS FUCKING FACE


anyway, so I went to pose with them and this dude literally took forever to get out of his fucking seat !

and as soon as he FINALLY got up.......

HIS FUCKING PANTS BURST OPEN. I'm not even kidding.

although I wish I was kidding bc that shit was AWKWARD

we just walked away it was too much lmao

anyway, for those who don't believe me, here's the video. you can even see him stuffing his face at the beginning lmao [video attached]"

Josh was fuming from the moment he saw it. They purposefully want to humiliate his boyfriend for no reason at all.

He knew he wouldn't be able to keep this from Tyler. He'd find out eventually, he already figured they'd post it. It was just the story they told along with it made it even worse.

And when Tyler did see it, he immediately started sobbing. He stayed curled up in the hotel bed all day, Josh trying to comfort him as best he could.

He even went the entire day without eating. Loud growls came from his stomach every once in a while, but every time Josh suggested he eat something, he would start panicking and sobbing harder. Josh didn't want to push him.

The media was having a field day with this though. No doubt the girls were making money off the video, and there was finally something from them that sparked drama. They always tried so hard to keep their lives private so they wouldn't be in the media that much except for their music, but that was out the window now.

Their fans were even fighting about it. A lot of people were laughing about what happened, complaining about Tyler's weight and sending him tweets to diet. On the other hand, there were also a lot of fans defending Tyler and telling people it was his body and he could do what he wanted. There were also quite a few people concerned about his rapid weight gain.

After Tyler finally fell asleep, it was already midnight. They had an early bus call in the morning, so Josh figured he'd better get some sleep too.

He curled up behind his boyfriend, arm wrapped firmly around his middle. He really hoped Tyler felt a little better in the morning. He was doing so well, he was so happy but those girls just had to ruin it.

Josh sighed and kissed Tyler's shoulder softly before drifting off to sleep.


sorry this is kinda short.

I tried to write the tweets like how people write the "story time" threads now lol

fatten you up // joshler Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon