Second to Last chapter!

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Boruto then suddenly raised up in the sky and watched as there was a beast with one huge red eye, he then got a better view of the enemy. Two men stood on top of the beasts head.

The shinobi almost in order started their plan. They started sinking te ground before using water. The enemy didn't seem to care as the beast tried its best to stay up.

Clans started shouting out when it was their turned. It seemed like each one had its turn. The beast was no stuck in that hole almost as it was glued.  It was perfect. All the jutsu would definitely beat it.

His eyes found the fireballs that were then shot.

But his ears then met the sound of a loud noise he looked over to his dad who had a spinning shirken but it was blue? Two clones helped before suddenly all the shinobi jumped.

But his ears then met the sound of a loud noise he looked over to his dad who had a spinning shirken but it was blue? Two clones helped before suddenly all the shinobi jumped

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He felt happy, this was the end! But he then wondered where his uncle Sasuke was. But that got out of mind, suddenly arms shot up to only hit all the shinobi some dying from it. Boruto's eyes shot opened.

How was that possible!

"What the hell!? It-Its not dead?!" Boruto asked.

He then watched as the beast pulled itself up, like if not hurt at all. His eyes looked all around him, many were on the ground. Not dead but some bleeding.

He heard as people yelled for the medical team. His eyes looked as his dads he had a look like his own.

One man started using earth style to try throwing it off. But suddenly Boruto whole body shaked as the beast a shot a huge bomb. Boruto who suddenly began panicking started to feel tears fill his eyes but he blink them away.

Lucky the shot hit far away but you could see it hit from a distance. It continued shooting but suddenly his head heard a voice.

"I have a strategy to stop the Juubi, this is our last chance.." before he watched as everyone's faces changed he lowered down to only watch Ino and Shikamaru's faces.

What had the plan been, Boruto did hear.

"What? What's going on?" Boruto asked.

"What? What's going on?" Boruto asked

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