I can

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Dahyun POV

A week later

It has been a week since Tzuyu and Sana have started to date. The only problem, is Mina. Ever since that happened, she is not herself. I want to make her happy. I want to see her smile and be herself again. I will do anything in my power to help her get to her usual self again. Because, I love her. I have been hiding my feelings from her ever since I met her and I think i should confess now before it's to late.

We had a rather long day of school. I was packing up my school, when I noticed Mina had already slipped out of the class room. I hurriedly just threw everything into my book bag and ran after her.

"Ya, Mina! Wait up!" I yelled after her. She didn't even glance backwards.

"What? Am I invisible to you now?" I asked her. I'm getting really frustrated at this point.

"I want to be left alone." Is all she uttered out. Still walking forward, not giving a care to the world. To be honest, I just really wanted to smack some sense into this girl. Eventually, I just let myself go of this frustration. I ran up to Mina, grabbed her and pushed her against a wall.

"What are you doing, Kim Dahyun?!" Mina said to me. Even if I do this, she still isn't looking at me.

"Do I not mean anything to you?" I asked bluntly. That made her look at me.

"What do you mean? You are my best friend." She said. I just laughed at myself.

"Only as a friend? Have you not noticed my feelings for you?" I'm at the point of tears.

"Is the only thing you see Tzuyu? Ever since she came into your life, it's like I'm just a sidekick. You always talk about her and say how much you love her and what not..." I had to stop talking. Not wanting my voice to quiver. I just sat down and just let the tears roll down my face,

"Dahyun." Mina crouched down beside and put her arm on my shoulder.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I wiped off my tears.

"Because I was scared to tell you my feelings. You just kept on and on about how great Tzuyu is. And I know she won't give you what you truly want. And that's why your sad is it not?" I looked up at her.

"What do you mean?" She looked confused.

"You want to become a vampire, don't you?" I said.

"How do you know that?" She asked

"I over heard you talking to Tzuyu about how you want to be turned into one and live with her forever."

"Yeah, but.." I cut her off.

"I can."I said.

"What?" Mina asked. Looking shocked. I stood up and faced her.

"I can turn you." I put my hand on her shoulder and flashed my teeth at her.


Oooooooh shocking secret times 3..

Didn't expect that did you??? XD There are more surprises in store. :DDDDDD

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