Chapter 16 - I Was Hoping...Nevermind

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Luckily and happily, no one has to return to work or school until the third since the first is on a Sunday this year. So, I stretch and cuddle with my men until the girls get up and ask for food. All of us get dressed and go downstairs to the wonderful brunch Tyler makes for us.

The guys parents arrive and we sit down to eat.

"Do you cook?" Louise asks.

"Not anymore," I respond, "Tyler has taken over my kitchen and I'm not allowed in it for anything other than to get something to drink."

"Sounds about right. I didn't get to use the kitchen from the time that he discovered cooking until he moved out of the house. I had to take a refresher course in cooking after he left," Victoria commiserates as everyone chuckles.

"Although I love your cooking, I sometimes miss his," Darren says, kissing his wife on the cheek. Another round of laughs circle around the table. We spend a very relaxed brunch eating and talking. Now this is the way it's supposed to be. Why does my parents have to cause such strife in our lives? I put them out of my mind and enjoy the rest of brunch.

When we finish, we adjourn to the living room and talk some more. Meg and Amy work their way around to all of the grandparents and talk to them. I love that they accept Amy and treat her like they treat Meg.

"Would you mind if we take Amy shopping with Meg tomorrow? We know that you and the guys have work and they don't go back to school until next week and we'll help by keeping them while we're here," Angela asks.

"I don't mind at all. We have promised Frankie that she can take them one day, so other than that, they are yours," I tell them. Solomon nods in agreement.

"Frankie takes them?" Victoria asks.

I nod, "They love her. She is good with everyone."

"What do they do?" Louise asks.

I look at Amy and Meg who are perched on Paul's lap, playing with his tie, trying to tie it. I get their attention, "What do you all do when you're with Frankie?"

"She takes us to the library so we can find a book and then she helps us read it," Amy says.

"One time, she took us to the museum to look at all of the pretty pictures. Not all of them were pretty though. Some of them were mixed up and we didn't know what they were. We asked her and she said that they were, ab-..." she scrunches her forehead as she thinks of the word, "ab-...ab-something. And she told us that meant that they don't look like what they actually are." Meg adds.

"Abstract?" Victoria asks.

"Yea. That's it," Amy confirms looking at Meg who nods her head. I look around the room and everyone is looking at them lovingly. This is wonderful.

"What else do you do?" Grandfather A sits up suddenly interested.

"She helps us with our writing. I can write my whole name now," Amy brags.

"And I don't have trouble tying my shoes anymore," Meg says and then her eyes light up, "She plays dolls with us and we've been to the Science center a few times. We have so much fun with her!"

"Does Frankie have any children?" Paul asks.

"She doesn't," Grandfather R straightens out his tie, "She's had a rather unfortunate childhood, but she is the most loving, giving person you'll ever meet. She loves spending time with them and I think that she gives them what she didn't get as a child. It's not a bad thing at all."

Love Makes Us One (Part 2 of Four Makes One) Ronnie's Story(Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant