Chapter 18

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"Hey. Connor is here to get you two." Jay says coming over and nudging me to get my attention. "Thanks." I get up from my laying position and hugging him. "Zach, come on buddy, you gotta get up." I say letting go and shaking the sleeping Zach. "Mhm, are we gonna go home?" He mumbles rubbing his eyes. "Yep. So let's go, you can sleep in the car or once we get home." He nods before getting up and stumbling to the stairs. "You know, it's really good what you did for him." Jay says smiling after Zach. "Yeah, I just think maybe I'm not around enough for him. I'm always either at work or out with a friend. I want to be there with him though, like spend more time together, get to know each other more." I say to him with a sad look. "Tiffany, come on!" Zach calls me over to where he and Connor are standing. "I gotta go." I mumble walking towards the others.

"Hey." Connor greets me. "Hi." I respond walking over to Zach and putting an arm over his shoulder. "Ready to go?" Both of us nod and follow Connor out of the building. About five minutes into our drive Zach was in the back snoring softly. "So I was wondering, if you would like to go on a date with me. You don't have to, but if you want to. Just one date. If you don't like it, you don't have to go on another date with me...." Connor starts rambling while flinging his right hand around in the air. "Hey. You're rambling." I say cutting him off while grabbing his hand. Thinking it over I think about all of the pros and all the cons. The pros would be that it could work out with us, and the cons would be that it could backfire and he could be like the last guy I went on a date with. But he's Connor. He's not like that. I made my decision and smile lightly at him.

"I would love to go on a date with you." I softly tell him. "That's okay, I understa.... Wait did you say yes?" He asks reeling back slightly. "Yeah. One date. When do you want to go on a date and where?" I ask him. "Well, tomorrow, and I can't tell you it's going to be a surprise." He says as we pull up to the building. "Hey Zach, why don't you go on up to the apartment?" I ask waking him up and handing him the key. He nods before scrambling over to the door. "Well, can you at least tell me what to wear, is it going to be casual, fancy, is there anything that I'll specifically need?" I ask as we start walking to the door. "I'll text Genesis the details that way she can tell you what form of clothing you need to wear. Also, I told Grace I would let her help you get ready if you said yes." He says holding the door open for me. "Oh, okay." I say pushing the sixth floor button. "I'll see you tomorrow." Connor whispers to me as we get to my door.

"Yeah." I look up at him. I hadn't expected him to be so close to me, but our faces were only about an inch apart. I look into his bright blue eyes before letting my eyes travel down his face. They stopped on his lips before shooting back up to his eyes. The icy blueness created a feeling like being pulled into a lake of frozen emotions. It was like the myriad shades of blue swirled together to form a whirlpool of apprehension. I don't know who started it, but the two of us slowly leaned towards each other. "What are you doing?" We heard a voice to the left of us. I saw Zach standing there with a smirk on his face. "I-I thought you were already inside?" I say as a question. "Nope. Scared of elevators. I had to take the stairs." He says pursing his lips together. "Okay, well I'm just gonna go inside and give you guys some privacy!" He exclaims pushing past us and unlocking the door before rushing in. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." I say to him backing up towards the door. "yeah. Goodnight." He says walking towards his room. I went into my apartment and leaned against the door.

(This is really just a filler chapter, and another present for you guys. I hope you all enjoyed this even though it was so short.)

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