Chapter 2

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I woke up with a start when my phone started screaming at me. In reality it was just ringing really loudly and annoying the living daylights out of me.  "UGHHHHHH!" I am not a morning person. I never have been and I never will be. "C'mon you gotta get up. You said we were moving in today. So....GET UP!"

"Genesis?" I asked rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Why are you so loud and annoying?" I ask causing her to whack me in the face with one of my pillows.  "You're so rude!" I shouted after her as she ran from the room. Five minutes later I decided to actually get up and get ready to head to the apartment. We only have our two bags each for now, but our stuff should be getting there later today. 

Looking out the window on the way to the apartment I noticed large amounts of people. This may be normal here, but where I come from there isn't many people. It's an everybody knows everybody kind of thing. The next thing I noticed was all the tall buildings. One big building caught my eye. The sun gleaming off the window, creating a bright orange glow. I noticed people rushing in and out the front doors. As we passed the building I noticed the ambulance pad. An ambulance just pulling in. I watched as they unloaded the stretcher and I realized I'm gonna be working there. 'What if I can't handle it? What if they don't like me?' I became worried as thoughts passed through my mind.

"We're here." Genesis said breaking me out of my thoughts. "You can walk to work." She told me.

"Are you calling me fat?" I asked her jokingly.

"Well we only live about two blocks from the hospital." She told me in a 'duh' tone.

Genesis and I walk into the main foyer to get our keys from the desk. As we are leaving the desk, some guys come in with mover uniforms on. "We're looking for a Tiffany Rose." The heavier set one said to the clerk at the front office.

"That's actually her right there." The clerk responds pointing to where the two of us are.

"I need you to sign this." He handed me a clipboard with the papers I needed to sign on it. "Yes, Sir. Here you go." I handed it back when done. The movers helped us get everything out of the truck and into the lobby before they left. I payed them in advance. "Now we just have to figure out how to get this all upstairs." Genesis stated the obvious. 

Genesis had just left with a box and I was about to pick one up and follow her when I heard a voice behind me. "Would you like some help with that?" The male voice asked. I turned around to see a guy about my age. with short, dark brown hair. He had a little bit of stubble on his chin. The thing about him that caught my attention was his bright blue eyes and warming smile. "Well,"I started drawing this out. "I would say yes....but I don't even know your name." He smiled at me and stuck his hand out. "Connor Rhodes." "Tiffany Rose." I shook his hand. "Well,Tiffany Rose would you like some help with these boxes. "That would be great, Thanks." 

Connor and I both picked up a box to bring upstairs. "Which apartment are you?" He asks. "I'm apartment number 4 on the sixth floor. Do you live in this building?" I asked him. "Yep. I'm number 5 on the sixth floor." Wow right next to each other, score! No you can't think like that. The little voices in my head started arguing. "Cool." I said despite my thoughts. 

We walked into the apartment as Genesis was about to walk out. "Hey. Who's this?" She questioned looking at the attractive man beside me. Attractive? No you can't think like that! My brain screamed at me. "This is Connor. He lives next door to us." I told her smiling. "He offered to help bring stuff in."

 "Oh, Okay. I'm gonna go get another box." She answers.


Finally, after an hour and a half of moving boxes inside, we were done. However, we still have to unpack everything. God this is going to take forever. "Thank you so much for your help Connor."

 "No problem. Do you need help unpacking everything from boxes?" He asked. "I think we are going to do that another day. I start work at my new job tomorrow." I told him. "Okay. I have to work tomorrow, too. I'll see you later?" "Oh ya, totally." I answered him. "Oh right." He said as soon as he was about to leave. "Here's my phone number, call if you need anything." He handed me a little piece of paper, then he was gone. Never to be seen again. No just kidding. He went in his apartment. 

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