Chapter 15

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After the guy had finished my small feather tattoo that I had placed on my pointed finger on my right hand I tried to pay him only to be stopped by Hank. "What are you doing? I have to pay still you know?" I tell him really sarcastically. "We got it, it wasn't your idea to come here." He answers me. Looking at him for a second I turned and tried to go to the counter getting stopped by Connor this time. Connor had his arms wrapped around me keeping me from going to the counter.

Genesis walks up to us her card in hand. She just casually walks past up giving me a smug look as she passes. "Don't let....." I started saying before Zach covered my mouth with one of his hands. I look at hi surprised for a minute before smiling and licking his hand. "EW!" He exclaims taking his hand away and wiping it on his pants. "Okay, let's go." Genesis says walking over after paying. "I could have done that." I say to her pouting. "Sure you could have." She says sarcastically walking out the door.

"Do y'all want to come in, get  a drink or something?" I ask everyone once we pull up outside of our apartment building. "Well obviously we're coming in with you." Zach  says rolling his eyes. I widen my eyes and say "No you aren't, I was gonna leave you with Connor." I try to convince him. "First, you wouldn't do that. Second, you aren't a good actress." Zach says smugly. "Yes I am." I say crossing my arms. "You keep thinking that." He climbs out of the vehicle. Laughing softly I climb out after him. "So do you want to come in?" I ask Connor, Grace, and Hank who followed us here. "Yeah sure." Grace answers.

The next morning I woke up on the couch with Zach leaning on my shoulder. Grace was laying sideways in a chair. Genesis was leaning against Connor's shoulder on the floor against the couch. I felt a strike of jealousy from the sight in front of me. 'You have no right to be jealous. You aren't in a relationship with him.' I chide myself. I get up gently laying Zach down on the couch and covering him with a blanket. Grabbing my phone to check the time I realize that Connor and I are going to be late for work if we don't hurry and get ready. "Hey, get up we're gonna be late." I whisper shaking him gently.

"We're gonna... what?" He says in a groggy morning voice. "Be late. We're gonna be late. Hurry up." I say before going to my room to get ready. I got dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a big blue sweater. I did my hair in a messy bun before doing light makeup, not having time for anything else. "You ready to go?" I ask Connor who had changed since I woke him up. "Yeah, just a little tired still." He says rubbing his eyes. "Want me to drive?" I ask as I write a quick note putting it on the fridge. "Sure." He answers tossing me the keys.

"You ready?" I ask pulling up to the hospital. "Always he answers getting out. "Dr. Rose!" I hear a voice call out. Looking up I saw that it was Sophia who had called to me. "Hey." I say with enthusiasm trying to match hers. "How was your night?" She asks eyeing Connor who was now across the room. "Good. Why are you looking at him like that?" I ask arching an eyebrow. "Everybody here says you two have a thing. It's so obvious that you like each other though." She says as we start waling to the break area. I put on my scrubs before shaking my head. "He doesn't like me." I say denying what everyone is saying. "Yes he does! You just don't see it!" She exclaims.

"Yeah sure whatever." I say sarcastically while rolling my eyes. "Come on." I call after her as I walk to the front area. "Room ten, Dr. Rose." April says handing me a folder with information.

(So shortest chapter ever, I know. I've just got a bit of writers block, and I'm really busy with school right now. I also have to write during school time because I don't have my phone at the moment that I can type this on. I'm going to try and update on Friday if I can, but if I don't then I will probably be updating next week. Also, I've been missing my uploading dates, so I'm going to upload every two weeks on this story. I will also be putting out a different story that was previously typed within the next few weeks. Anyway, comment if you want Chicago PD or Chicago Fire first. Thank you for sticking with my crappy writing and bad uploading.)

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