Chapter 10

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(This chapter might be slightly triggering to some people. There is some cursing and mentions of rape and abuse in this chapter. If you are very sensitive I wouldn't suggest reading this.)

Everything is blurry. The tears are welling up in my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. Zach and I are in the taxi on the way home from the hospital. My mind is on one thing, 'I thought I could trust him.' When we got back to the apartment Zach and I walked up the stairs because Zach is apparently afraid of elevators.

"I'm gonna go shower." I told Zach as soon as we entered the apartment. "Okay." He says walking towards the living room. When I got to the bathroom I immediately took my shirt off. There was a big burn on it. 'Looks like they were right.' I thought as I touched the burn.

Wincing slightly I pull my hand away. I decide I should probably take a shower like I said I was going to. While I'm in the shower silent tears are falling down my face. Why would they do that? I back up until my back hits the shower wall. Sliding down, I sit on the cold ground hugging my knees to my chest.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

Those words repeated in my mind, over and over again.


"Get back over you ungrateful bitch!" I ran. Ran from him. We were in his house, I hid in the bathroom in the cupboard under the sink. "You can run but you can't hide!" He called out again.

I closed my eyes. Hoping, praying, that he wouldn't find me even though I knew he would. "There you are you slut." I heard as he grabbed be by my hair and pulled me out of the cupboard. "You shouldn't try to hide from me!" He yelled slapping me.

I was dragged up to my feet by my hair. "Now you listen, and listen good. When I tell you to do something you damn well do it. Understood?" I nodded my head quickly wanting this to be over with. "Good." He says picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

I noticed he was heading for the bedroom. "W-where are we going?" I ask my voice wavering. He doesn't answer me just throws me on the bed. He walks over to the closet and pulls out some rope. "What a-are you doing?" I ask again.

He walks up to me. "Don't worry baby, you're gonna love it." He says softly. He grabs both of my hands and ties them above my head to the rail of the bed. Using another bit of rope he ties my left foot down on that side of the bed, then my right in the other side.

I watch as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt. I could feel the panic attack rising. Knowing that if I didn't calm down I would end up having a panic attack, I looked away. I looked up at my hands trying to pull them out of the ropes.

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down sweet heart. It's gonna be alright." He soothed smoothing out my hair. He moves away from me and I see him pull out some scissors. "Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way." He says smirking.

He put a blindfold over my eyes. I feel my clothes being tugged at. I can hear the sound of the scissors. Then I feel something cold come in contact with my stomach. Jumping away from the object I hear him chuckle. "You're rather jumpy." The voice I once found comfort in teases me.

Soon I am completely bare Infront of him. "Please, please don't do this." I finally had the courage to speak up. Thwack! I felt a sharp pain delivered to my stomach. "Or you can shut the fuck up and let me do what I want." His voice taunted me before I heard the zipped of his pants.

-Flashback over-

I sat on the floor with my feet still tucked underneath her. The water from the shower now cold, touching the tips of my toes. I decided I would just get out and take a shower in the morning. Hopping out I got dressed in some pajamas. "Hey Zach, would you like to watch a movie with me?" I ask him walking into the living room.

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