"... I'll see what I can do. First let's get back to my house, you can explain what happened on the way there..." I said spinning around and leading the way in a sprint. I heard Asriel quickly following behind me before running along side me. 

           "Well, it started when Chara fell down 3 years ago..."


     I tucked Frisk in for a nap after her complaining for a good 15 minutes that she wanted to help Asriel too. I walked back down stairs into the living room where Asriel was. He was sitting on the couch holding Chara's body close to him and talking to himself. Normally I would think someone like this was crazy or couldn't deal with the loss but with Chara's soul combined with his it was possible he found a way to talk to her. 

       "Asriel." I said gently walking over to him, his attention snapped away from Chara and back to me. "I... I am not a normal human. I am part monster. This may let me separate your souls so you both are back to normal. But I cannot guarantee it will work and it could hurt...." I explained. He stared at me in shock for a couple minutes before looking back down at the body.

           "If there's a chance I can bring Chara back... I want to take it."

      "Ok. Then let's get started."


       It had been hours since I had first started trying to separate their souls and nothing seemed to be working.

           "It's ok Jade... it was worth a shot... that you for trying to help." Asriel gave a small smile but the look in his eyes killed me. It was one of  pure sadness and anguish.

       "I'm not giving up yet." I mumbled placing my hands on his soul. 

Thinking of Asriel and bringing back his sister fills you with....


      My eyes began to glow as I concentrated all my effort on dividing the soul, one hand focusing on the determination, the other on the magic within his soul. He gasped as they split apart and I quickly put the right souls into their bodies before anything could happen to them or the souls. For a second neither of them moved and my heart skipped a beat before speeding up. 

         "C-come on guys... wake up... we haven't really been properly introduced yet and Frisk was looking forward to playing with you...." I said taking both their hands. Asriel seems to shift before there was a bright light. I closed my eyes, blinking slightly to adjust once it was over. Asriel was much smaller now, closer to Chara's size and looked around 8 or 9, it can be a bit harder to tell monster ages. I heard him snoring lightly. I look back over at Chara, color beginning to return to their face. I leaned closer and could hear them breathing, it was soft and shaky but definitely there. I let out a sigh of relief and sunk to the floor. That took a lot of energy out of me but it worked, it was worth it. "Don't worry you two, you'll be safe here..." I whispered before passing out onto the floor. 


        "Sissy...pst.... wake up... you have to make cookies for breakfast..." Frisk whispered patting my head. 

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