The Cliff

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I stare down the cliff,

And it glowers right back.

The wind carries a drift,

Of the softness l lack.

The dying rays of the sun,

Burn into my eyes.

And taunt me to give up and jump,

To a pit free from all lies.

The darkness calls to me,

Dragging me near the edge.

So l can see the sight,

That lays beyond the sheer ledge.

It has color and laughter,

Oddly joyous and bright.

My fingers grip the stone,

At the unfamiliar sight.

Its foreign and strange to see such tranquillity,

It is something quite fascinating,

For one who knows only pain and hostility.

I want to run, but remain transfixed,

Pondering if I'm hallucinating,

Or if this world truly exists.

I look over the edge once again,

But by now the moon has rose.

Because this world still stands,

My apprehension grows.

I lean over the edge with fear in my eyes,

What if my mind has deceived me?

And l will jump into lies.

Iced rain on my skin,

My jacket does little to help;

It's so flimsy,so thin!

My tears mingle with the rain,

A sudden spurt of emotion.

I no longer want to live like this,

Yet to answer the call...

It's such a whimsical notion.

I take a deep breath and make a decision,

Peering over the edge with rain blurring my vision.

I'm too scared jump,

But too weak to remain.

So I'll stay in between;

Stuck on the verge of insane.

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