Tease ~8

21 1 1

"Harry is never gonna believe me."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Harry as in Styles?" Louis turned around, making Niall confused.

"Uhh, yes? Whoa you do a fast background check! I know you probably can't reveal who did it but ple.." Niall said seeming impressed only to be cut off by Liam.

"No one did a background check on you. Louis knows Harry that's all." Niall looked oddly at Louis, and then lightend up.

"Oh' you're Louis! The model guy!" He remembered from Harry's text's.

"Yeah, that's me. Listen I got to run now, so why don't ya ask for my number from Harreh, and we could chat some more? Anyways, nice meeting you!" Louis shouted quickly before running to Liam and Zayn, leaving Niall dumbfounded because, well he had just got Louis Tomlinson's number, well not yet but anyway, this was a great day for him.

Liam and Louis decided to part, and not sleep in the same house as originally planned, because Zayn had invited them over, but unfortunately Louis had work the next day, so he had to go and get his beauty sleep to prevent his under eyes from getting the Gucci bag's back, but Liam gladly accepted the offer, and the two said their goodbye's to Louis and went off to Zayn's car, leaving Louis to trying to remember his car's location, and then trying to get there without getting seen. He somewhat manage to get there, although he had to bribe a few fans to not scream by signing their faces and taking multiple pictures, but he was suprised how well the night had gone.

Whie driving back to his place, he started strangely thinking about Liam and Zayn being together. Now that would never happen, because Zayn has Gigi, and is into girls, but they would make a nice pair, he thought to himself, and had to laugh because he was starting to seem like a crazy fangirl, picturing two boys together because they got good chemistry..

When he got home, he went straight to the shower, and stood there for a small eternity, thinking about everything that had happened in the past couple days, and then thought about Harry. Oh Harry. That boy was something else, and Louis was not sure why he felt so drawn to the kid. It had to be the dimples, I mean who wouldn't love them?

When Louis then had got out of the shower, dried off and walked in the kitchen, he took his laptop to the kitchen table, and logged on FaceTime. Seeing that Harry was currently online, he decided to call the curly haired boy.

after a few ring's he picked up.

"What took you so long?" Louis asked, when Harry's face popped up on the screen, his hair still damp, probably from showering.

"Errm, I was naked and had to put on some clothes.." Harry explained akwardly, making Louis laugh.

"So the froggy enjoy's hanging out naked in his free time. Good to know, I might pop up on a suprise visit someday, when I have stolen your key, and I'll take the whole thing on video, and then I'll leak it, and it will be all over the news and you'll finally be famous, maybe not for the reasons you'd want but oh boy, everything has it's price." Louis went on making Harry blush at first, but then just giggle, because the whole thing was pretty ridiculous.

"You are something else." He stated, after his giggles tamed down. Louis looked at him smiling.

"Yeah, we're pretty weird aren't we?" He said.

"Nah, we're just special. One-of-a-kind." Harry said matter-of-factly. Louis hummed in response, leaving the two in a rather comftorble silence.

"Wait, are you naked?" Harry suddenly asked, when Louis had stood up (he was leaning against the counter) to make a sandwhich.

"Yes. I am not ashamed. I have a quite amazing body, and a huge ass." Louis said, when turning around to get the salad and tomato from the fridge, exposing the upper half of his ass to Harry, making the other gulp, because yes, Louis was a goregous man, naked and Harry was gay, so ofcourse he was feeling attracted.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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