Fist bump ~7

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"Louis?" Harry asked, utterly confused and kind of flattered, because the boy had come to see him. But he reminded himself, that maybe Louis just had come to drop something off, and suddenly was there. He bit his lip, and glanced at the Brown eyed boy standing right beside him. The boy was eyeing Harry up and down, brows slightly creased, making Harry a bit uncomfterble, which made Louis frown, and quickly whisper something in the other boys ear, making the boy blush, and glance at the floor.

"Err, what are you doing here?" Harry said akwardly, as Louis still hadn't said anything.

"Okay wow, first of all that's a bit rude way to greet, concidering we had to drive all to way up here, and lift some horribly heavy boxes, and drag them here, just to get to see you, and you just give me that attitude? Might as well leave." Louis said dramatically, grabbing Liam's arm, and turned around, and slowly made his way out. It took a while for Harry to process, that Louis had come all the way here to see him, and when he snapped back to reality, he hestitated, and shouted to them:

"Oi, you almost forgot to take your curly haired prince with!" Which made Louis' head snap towards Harry, and he made his way back, but suddenly grabbed some blonde model with curly hair and smirked.

"Thank you for the kind reminder slave Harry, now if you'll exuse me, I'll escort my prince out." He said, and grabbed the curly lad's hand. The boy looked at Louis, and wiggled his arm out of Louis' grip.

"Why in the whole world would you assume that just because you'e hot I would leave with you? I am working for fucks sake! And why do you assume I am gay? Because I am a model? Fucking hell stop labeling!" The boy said angrily, making Louis quirck up one of his eyebrows, and oh boy, Harry knew there was some sass coming up soon.

"Exuse me, I was just playing, and thank you for callin me hot, and no I am not a fucking labeling bitch, because trust me, as a leading model I fucking know that over half of male model's are in fact straight, so calm your ass down." Louis sassed to the boy, obviously not going all out, becaise it was someone he did not know.

As soon as he was done, the boy's eyes widened.

"Wait, you're Louis Tomlinson? Holy moly, I am so sorry! I didn't realize it was you!" The boy apologized, only making Louis laugh and assured that no harm was done. They chatted a bit, and then the boy ran off.

"Erm, so what brings you here?" Harry asked, when all the main confusion was over. Louis raised his eyebrows, and turned to Liam.

"Yeah, right, so I noticed something was off when we ended our interesting phone converstation, and I didn't want to risk our friendship because of a misunderstanding, so Harry this is Liam who I fuck sometimes.." Louis introduced only to get interrupted by Liam:

"Eh, well not always, I sometimes fuck him. I preffer topping, but I had to offer to bottom most of the times, but yeah me and Louis are not together, we just have fun." Liam trailed off, making Harry a bit uncomfterble by the words, and Louis to blush.

"Err, it was once Liam, and I told you not to bring it up!" He quickly hissed, only to get two smirks.

"Oh, so that explains why you both are limping today. But yeah, sure whatever, hopefully this having fun-thing doesn't blow up in your faces, because I can tell you're close, and I mean we wouldn't want that to end." Harry responded. They all stood there for a while akwardly, untill Harry snapped his fingers, as if remembering something, and told the guys that he was going to work now, and thanked them for dropping by.

Louis and Liam decided to go clubbing because, they were young, and wanted to have some fun (wow that rhymed) and because tomorrow they both had to go to work they decided to leave the drinking to the minimum.

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