Chapter 3 - Boss battle

Start from the beginning

"Ok" Asuna says as she sends you a party invite

You except the invite and you both grow smiles, before you hear someone run up to you crying

You turn around to see a girl with blue hair crying

"Dawn what's wrong" you ask as she hugs you

"It's Sage... he" Dawn stumbles to say

"What about him?" you ask worried

"He... went to take on the floor boss by himself and....." she stopped talking because she couldn't say what happen

"Dawn what happened to Sage!" You demanded

"He... he... he Died!" Dawn yelled as she collapsed to the ground as a message appeared in front of you as your face lost all emotion

You look down at the message after a minute, and read it

Item received

You accept the item and Sage's white sword you bought him appears in your hand

"(Y/n)..." Asuna says as she puts her hand on your shoulder "im sorry"

You don't say anything, you just start to walk back to town

"(Y/n)....." Asuna and Dawn both say concerned about you as you slowly walk back to town as you try to fight back your tears

The next day

"Alright everyone you ready to defeat this monster?" The blue haired guy says as everyone shouts and cheers

"Hey Asuna is everything ok?" Kirito asks "what's up with (y/n), he's been acting different today"

"Im worried about (y/n)" Asuna says "last night Sage tried to defeat the boss, by himself, and got killed"

"What!" Kirito yells as his smile disappears

"(Y/n) are you alright?" Kirito asks as he walks over to you

You don't respond you just walk pass him as you enter the dungeon

"Please don't do anything stupid" Asuna says to herself as she walks into the dungeon, and sees you equip orochi, and kill three of the bosses minions

You kill two more minions before the floor boss appears

"(Y/n)!" Asuna screams as you rush at the boss

You jump up and cut the boss on the his cheek dropping his hp from 100 to 95

The boss swings his sword at you,but he misses, and you jump up on to the sword, and run it cutting it in the face again dropping it from 95 to 90

You land and block, another hit from the boss, with your sword dropping your hp to 85

You jump back and charge at the boss cutting it in the stomach before you sword glows white and you jump hitting it in the face dropping it to 50 hp

You land and the boss equips a different sword and swings it at you, but you just barley mange to counter it with your sword, but it breaks your sword and sends you flying

"(Y/n)!" Asuna screams as you crash into a wall

You look up and see you hp has fallen to 30

"(Y/n) sit this one out we will handle this" Kirito says as he walks over and hands you a health crystal

Both kirito and Asuna charge at the boss taking turns hitting it

You stand up now that you are back to full health

The boss manages to counter Kirito, and sends him flying into a wall, and it swings its sword at Asuna, but you rush in just in time and take the hit instead dropping you health down to 10

"Why would you do that?" Asuna yells as she jumps back to where you landed

"I won't let this damn game calm anyone else I love!" you yell as you equip Sage's sword and charge at the boss cutting it on its arm before you jump up and take out its left eye

"D-did (y/n) just say he loved me?" Asuna asks herself as her face turns bright red

You jump up and your sword glows white as you slash up the boss's stomach, and Kirito follows up with a slash to its face killing it

After the boss burst into crystals Everyone got a message

Congratulations you cleared floor one

Everyone let out a cheer, before the spiky orange haired guy from yesterday acussed you and Kirito of being Cheaters, and calling kirito a beater, because he was a beta tester

"Well at least these guy's could actual kill this damn thing" a guy next to the orange haired guy says

"Unlike that dumbass kid yesterday, that tried to take this boss on by himself" a guy with blonde hair says "man that kid was a fucking idiot"

Kirito and Asuna grow concerned after hearing what the guy said, and your facial expression becoming filled with anger

You walk up and grab the blonde haired guy by his shirt and pin him to the wall behind him

"Don't you ever talk about my little brother like that!" You scream as you put the edge of your sword to his neck

"Come on (y/n)" a guy says as he places his hand on your shoulder "killing this guy won't bring Sage back"

"I know, Agil" you says as tears begin to form in your eyes as you let the guy go

You watch as Kirito equips his jacket he got as a last hit bonus, and walks out of the dungeon

You start to walk out to but you feel someone grab your hand

You turn your head to see Asuna holding onto your hand

"Please don't leave yet" Asuna begs you as she starts to cry, and pulls you into a hug

After she lets go of you, you wipe away her tears, and you walk out of the dungeon

You walk back towards the town before you come to a stop under a tree, and look back

"Asuna, why are you following me?" You ask as you notice her blushing slightly

"I um... what you said after you took that hit for me" she says as her blush grows "did you mean it?"

"Every word" You say as you turn back around and start to walk again

You stop walking as you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist

"(Y/n) I-" Asuna was cut off as you turned around and hugged her as you as tears began to run down your face

You let go of her as you collapse to the ground

"My Family their all gone" you say as your tears continue to fall

"What?" Asuna asks as she kneels down in front of you "It's ok you can tell me"

"My little sister and Mother were killed in a car accident when I was five, and my father died a three years ago trying to stop a bank robbery" you say as Asuna starts to cry "every since then I did everything I could to keep Sage safe, but I......  failed"

"(Y/n).. im sorry" Asuna says as she hugs you

you hug Asuna back, and she starts to cry again

You put your forehead against hers, and wipe away her tears

You both stare into each others eyes for a minute before she closes her eyes and kisses you, you kiss her back as she places her hand on your cheek

You both pull back and place your foreheads together, and stare into each others eye's once more

"(Y/n)... please promise me you will survive this game, survive it for me" Asuna says as she places her head on your shoulder

"I promise, I will"

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