Good Time = Bad Times (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

It's little moments like this that makes me wonder what it would have been like growing up with him around.
"So..." I say, not really wanting to end the moment, but wanting to know what he is going to be doing for the rest of the day. "What are your plans for the day?"
"Nothing," he simply states.
"Nothing? What do you mean "nothing"? You just gonna like, meditate all day or something?"
"What I mean is, you strange little child, that I have no plans." Riiight. Duh!
""Strange little child?" Well, you know what they say - 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!'" It's my turn to smirk at him.

"How about we have a day of movies?" Damon asks after tasting and seasoning the soup, before letting it simmer on the stove.
"Only if we can watch that scary movie with Harry Pothead in?"
"What movie do you mean? And who on earth is Harry Pothead?" He asks.
"'The Woman in Black' and he is Ron Dweebsley's friend." I tell him.
"I know of the movie, but I am completely lost with the characters." He informs me.
"Don't worry... it's 'cause you're old!" I giggle.

Damon's POV

"Ouch!" I put my hand over my heart, pretending to be hurt by her comment, before vamping over to her and quickly throwing her over my shoulder. "If I was that old, I wouldn't be able to do this!" I get a screech in response.
"Hey! Put me down old man," she says to me as I start walking towards the living-room. "I don't want to be held responsible for breaking a senior citizens back!" She giggles.

I can't help the smile that takes over my face on hearing her laugh.
"Are you really going to call me a "senior citizen" while you're in this position?" I joke, giving her a light tap on her upturned bottom. I am awarded with more laughing.
"You do realise that from my "position", I can easily give you a wedgie, right?" It is my turn to laugh this time.

I gently lower her to her feet by the sofa, before going over to turn the TV on, whilst she inelegantly flops down onto the sofa.
"Come on Grandad, hurry up. It's almost your bedtime." Her jokes keep on coming.
"Carry on with the old jokes, and it'll be your bedtime!"

We're half an hour in to the movie, both of us are sharing the same sofa - sitting at opposite ends - and I can't help but be amused by Kayla's actions. Judging by the way she has her legs pulled up to her chest, her arms wrapped around them and the amount of times she has jumped - she is obviously scared, yet she can't keep her eyes off of the screen. They are practically glued to it.

I am enjoying this alone time with Kayla, thanks to my know-it-all little brother. This is exactly what we both needed - a little time to get to know each other without other people getting in the way.

"The soup should be done. Do you want some now, or..." I offer.
"Um, yes please." She doesn't even look away from the movie.
I stand up to get it when when she stop me.
"Wait. Don't be long, okay?" She finally looks at me.
"Sure. I'll be as quick as I can." I tell her.
I realise how scared Kayla really is of the movie, an evil smirk forms on my face as I think of a prank I can play on her.

After retrieving a black sheet from the linen closet, I stealthily creep behind her before draping it over my body. She hasn't noticed me with being so engrossed in the movie. Leaning over to her, I whisper next to her ear in a screechy voice - "Michaela" before wrapping my sheet covered arms around her.
"AHHHHHH" she screams, her arms and legs trying to fight me off. "DAAAAAADDD!!"

I immediately let her go, stepping away from her, shocked to hear her refer to me as 'Dad' for the first time. I yank the sheet away from me before looking at her. Seeing her terrified face look back at me makes me feel really guilty. I never want to see her looking so afraid again - especially towards me!

"Woah, woah, woah. It's just me." I try to calm her down.
"Damon?" She pauses for a few seconds before regaining her self control. "What the heck was that? Why would you do that to me?" She throws a cushion and it bounces off of my chest.
"Kayla, I'm so sorry. It was just a bad joke. I didn't think you would react like that."

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