Birthday Boy

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(A/N): This chapter is partially based off Marilyn Monroe's infamous 'Happy Birthday' performance to John F. Kennedy. I will include it above in case you've never seen it!

(Y/N) POV:

J's birthday is tomorrow. I already had his gifts all planned out. I got him a new phone because honestly J is so behind on cell phones. His current one can only call and text and well, to be completely honest I'd like to have some fun over the phone when he or I are away on trips. I'm going to get the same tattoo J had under his eye (the J) under my own. His final gift was a thoroughly planned out performance set up for tomorrow night at the club.

*Time Skip*

I woke J up to breakfast in bed. Pancakes and sausages. I rested my head on his shoulder as he ate. Only pausing his shoveling of food to plant a kiss on my head before returning to his breakfast. We sat quietly until he finished and I cleared his stuff. I returned and slid between his legs, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Happy Birthday, baby." I grumbled, my voice still gravely from the early morning.

"Mmm, thanks doll face." He said softly, burying his face into the crook of my neck.

"D'you want to open your present?" His eyes flew open, child-like excitement filled them.

"Present?" He said, eager. I stood and walked out to my room, grabbed the tiny gift and padded back to J's bed.

"Here, it's small but I promise I'll do something special while we're at the club tonight."

He tore open the neatly wrapped box to reveal a personalized smartphone. His eyebrows furrowed,

"What's this?" I let out a giggle in response and took it from his grip.

"It's a new phone, J. Look, I already set it up for you. You can choose wallpapers and get games and take photos!" I said excitedly, I leaned in closer, brushing his ear with my lips, "I already took a few pictures for you, Daddy." I nipped his ear softly and curled up next to him as he fiddled with his phone. He refused to look at the pictures in front of me, saying that he wanted to see them in the privacy of his own time. We spend the gist of J's birthday on the couch exchanging butterfly kisses and making fun of crappy horror movies.

"Alright, babe," J said, slapping my sharply on the ass, making my squeal, "go get dressed. It's time to head to the club."

I made an effort to dress nice, tonight is special of course. We arrived at the club to be greeted with an already full house of guests. We spent the next three hours mingling, talking to many businessmen, making jokes and receiving gifts.

"J, baby, I'm going to use the restroom. I'll be right back." I pecked his jaw and rushed off, not for the bathroom but to the dressing room I had set up days earlier. I slipped on my new outfit (Displayed Below) and told one of the guards to distract J and get him near the stage while I warmed up.

I felt the familiar giddiness fill my body as I got closer to showtime

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I felt the familiar giddiness fill my body as I got closer to showtime. Performing was an all time favorite of mine. I heard my cue, silence. The DJ turned of the music and the lights all went out. I walked out slowly, approaching the single microphone at the edge of the stage. Two white lights hit me and in the dark I could faintly see confusion etched on J's beautiful features.

I took a deep breath, removed the microphone from the stand and pushed the stand off stage.

"Happy you..." I sang strongly, pausing at all the right moments. Singing heavy breathed and strung out. "Happy you..." I watched J stare, his mouth open as he panted softly.

"Happy Birthday...Mistah Jaaaaaaaaaay...Happy you..." I stepped down from the high stage softly, sashaying towards J, beginning the song again, the whole club joining in.

"Happy you..." I reached him and his arm slithered around my waist pressing me close to him by the small of my back. I ran my hand through my hair. "Happy you..." I was moving my hips now, licking my lips, staring into J's icy eyes.

"Happy Birthday...Mistah Jaaaaaaaaaay..." I moaned his name. Leaning my head up, letting my breath hit his face. "Hap-" I was cut off by J's lips, his hand gripped my jaw and pulled me up to him. The rest of the club finished the song and erupted into applause and god, what a way to end a birthday celebration.

We drove home, I still dressed in my costume, and found ourselves back in the bedroom. He had his hands on the undersides of my thighs, my legs wrapped around his waist. When he tried to throw me down on the bed I let out a sound of protest. Standing and forcing him to sit on the edge of the silk sheets.

I placed one hand on each of J's thighs, leaning down to meet his eyes.

"Tonight is about you, Daddy. You're the birthday boy."

(A/N): Thank you guys so much for 5k reads! You're really amazing! I'm thinking about starting another book!

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