Chapter 13

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Rebecca starts helping me get the rest of the things in my car and I can't believe we are actually hitting it off. We have a lot more in common then I thought we would. I ask her about how her and Sawyer are doing and she says they are doing great. They are publicly dating and really happy with one another. We bring up all of our old memories from middle school, like how we met. She threw up the first day of middle school and everyone was laughing at her, including me. I was the only one to comfort her and walk her up to the office though. After that, we became best friends. I do admit, we went separate ways in high school. I became attached to Adym and spent every minute with him. I apologize to her for my actions and she accepts it. I get in my car and say, "Let me take you out to eat, we have to celebrate!" She says, "How about we get all dressed up and go out to dinner in a few hours?" I agree with the idea and we head back to her place.

We walk up the stairs to her apartment and it's beautiful. Honestly, I like it way more than Adyms place. It's huge, about four bedrooms and two baths. "I only pay 2000 a month, if you could do half the bill or whatever you could afford, I'd appreciate that." I gladly accept the deal. I work as a singer and waitress for a bar back in Simi, but I recently quit. I have a lot in my savings, so that'll help. I tell her I'll give her a down payment tomorrow or whenever we get things settled in first. She shows me to my room and my god it's beautiful. The walls are a pastel pink and the carpet is the same shade of pink. "This is my old roommates room, can you tell what her favorite color is?" She says sarcastically. "Her name was Valerie, she just couldn't pay rent ever so I had to kick her out." I nod and agree to her statement. I start hanging up my clothes in the closet and I find the perfect dress to wear. This dress is an original Dior dress. It is the Red Mini dress by them. I only wear this on special occasions, and tonight just feels so right to wear it. I decide to do my makeup and Rebecca offers to do my hair. She reveals to me that she is a cosmetologist and my jaw drops. She had always dreamt of being one, I didn't know she actually became one! I do my makeup very classic and she gives me such effortless curly hair. I look in the mirror and say, "Wow, I look like a baaad bitch." Rebecca laughs at my statement and she gets ready. I hear her get a phone call and she chats with Sawyer. She tells him about our plans and he asks to come. She says no because she says it will make me feel weird. Sawyer is begging at this point and I find it funny. She agrees and she looks at me, I give her an understanding nod and ask if I can bring someone. She happily says yes and screams, "Double date!" I hear Adym in the background say, "Whose going on a double date?" I cover my mouth because I can't help but laugh. He always jumps into conversations with perfect timing. I look through my contacts to see which guy I can bring with me for just tonight. There is a guy who sometimes slides in my dms. His name is Jack Johnson. He is pretty famous, which makes me kind of nervous. He knows my twitter because I use to be a fan of his. I gained a lot of followers from just being myself and having my posts go viral. I message him and twitter and I don't really expect a response, but I get one immediately. I ask for his number and he gives it to me, which I'm shocked by. I text him and ask if he would want to go on a double date tonight. He gladly accepts and I tell him where to meet us. When Rebecca is done getting ready, it's about 9 PM. I drive her in my car to the restaurant and I see the boys waiting for us out there. I walk up to Jack and give him a kiss on the cheek. He puts his arm around my waist and we all walk in. I will admit, this place is very fancy. I'm glad I wore this dress, it really compliments me. We choose a table in the back and begin our chatting. We all order and have small talk. I drop my menu on the ground and pick it up. I pick it up and look to the left. I see Adym in the corner with some girl. We make eye contact, and it gets weird really fast. I wink at him and he frowns and looks back at his date. I look back at Sawyer and ask if he ever mentioned where he was going tonight, he says yes. "I didn't think he would actually come!" Sawyer says. I roll my eyes and continue talking to Jack. He seems like a really nice and funny guy, he's attractive which is a plus. Jack asks why the guy on the left (Adym) keeps staring at me. I tell him that he is an old heartbreak of mine and nothing more. Our food arrives and we all dig in. The food here is absolutely incredible! It is worth every penny. We all finish our food and exit the restaurant and I hear the doors fly open. Before I know it, Adym is throwing punches at Jack and Jack is defending himself. I yell for Adym to get off of him, but he doesn't listen. I jump in the middle of them and Adym punches me in the face on accident. I stumble to the ground and look at him. Rebecca helps me up and I lose it. I punch Adym back and it does some damage on him. "Stay out of my life Adym, I want nothing to do with you." Jack gets a hold of me and comforts me. Adym stares at me and I see tears combine with the blood on his face. "I'm sorry for everything I've done to you Kat, but I need you. I'll be waiting for you no matter how long. I love you." He walks away and gets out of site. What he says some what effects me, I don't know if I believe him though. I check on Jack to see if he is okay. He has a little cut on his face, other than that he is okay. I kiss him on the cheek but when my lips disconnect from his cheek, he kisses me hard. "I really like you Kat, even with what just happened. You have my number, I'd like to see more of that beautiful face. Call me soon, okay?" Jack says. I promise to do so and I get in the car with Rebecca. "What a night" she says. I laugh and I drive us home.

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