Chapter 4

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We walk towards my car and all I can think about is how disappointed I am in Adym. I need to know what he could possibly explain to me that could make me change the way I think about him now. I keep telling myself he won't lie to me, he won't hurt me again, but how do I know? We enter the car and shut the doors. I look at him and chuckle, "Do you know how to drive stick?" He looks at me and says, "Of course." I give him the benefit of the doubt and he turns the car on. We sit for a minute and he is just staring at the steering wheel. I turn towards him and say, "Are you going to put it in reverse?" He answers, "Ok, may be I don't know how to do this, but you can teach me! You taught me how to drive my first car, you can do it all over again!" I look him dead in the eyes and say, "No." Adym pouts his lip and says, "Oh come on, pretty please!" I stare at his complexion for a few seconds and give in. I show him how to put it in reverse, and then 1st gear. I say to him, "you have to listen for the engine, you'll know when to switch gears." He looks at me and I can tell he's somewhat nervous. I put my hand over his and say, "listen and follow me." I move my hand back and forth and soon I let go because he is getting the hang of it. I see him smile as we're going on the freeway 70 MPH. "Man, I didn't know driving a stick is so much fun! Way better than an automatic! I chuckle a bit because it reminds me of the first time I taught him to drive. My smile slowly fades away because I realize we are pulling in to an apartment complex. "Home already?" I ask. He looks at me and smiles. I could stare at that perfect smile forever. I know he doesn't like his teeth too much, but I think over all he is just so incredibly beautiful. He parks the car right next to his and I stop daydreaming. We get out of the car and walk up the stairs which seem to last forever. He pulls out his keys and opens the door to a clear room. No furniture, nothing is set up in the room. "Do you at least have your bed set up?" I ask. He chuckles and grabs my wrist and shows me to his room. He points to the bed and says, "There you go Kat, you have a good night okay?" I walk towards the bed and stare at it for a few seconds. Adym asks, "Do you not like it?" I reply, "No, it's amazing, really. Thank you." I just couldn't help but wonder where he would sleep. I'd feel bad if he would sleep on the floor or somewhere else. I'd rather take the floor so he wouldn't have back pain in the morning. He leaves the room and closes the door. "Well, I'm all alone now, this blows." I lay down on the bed and my god did that mattress feel like heaven. I don't remember falling asleep, but I do remember dreaming that night. I dreamt of Adym and I when we first met freshman year. Our parents dropped us off in the parking lot of the high school. We were both walking in the same direction towards the office to grab our schedules. The thing I never understood is why he never grabbed his. I grabbed mine and I think I read mine out loud because Adym responded, "Wow, we have all the same classes." He was my first and one of my only friends in high school.

I woke up at around 4 am to loud noises, noises coming from the room next to me. I turn on the lights and open my door. I walk out and bang on the door and Adym opens the door immediately with no shirt on. He was naked, but I couldn't see his waist down because he was peeking his head out from the door. "Can you please keep it down?" I ask nicely. Adym opens his mouth, but I hear a feminine voice say, "shut the fuck up and leave!" My eyes widen and I look at Adym whose face looks guilty. I shut his door and go bed once again, this time in tears.

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