Chapter 11

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I make my way out the door and I can't help but feel heartbroken. All I want for him is to be happy, and I understand why it can't be with me right now. I know his fans are his everything, I completely respect that. At the same time, if Rebecca had never leaked the photo, we would have not had to have had that discussion. My head is clouded and my chest is sore. I can feel my eyes get puffier by the second. I go into my car and drive off. May be I can go home for a bit, my house back in Simi. Even though it is a thirty minute drive, it can take hours in traffic on the freeway. When I first came to Van Nuys, it took about three hours to get here. I won't mind waiting in traffic though, may be I can clear my mind while listening to the radio. I head on to the freeway and don't look back. I don't want to think of anyone in Van Nuys. Adym, Sawyer, Rebecca, anyone. My stomach is grumbling and I know my car needs food too. She's running on almost empty. I take the nearest exit and head to a gas station. I park my car by pump #4 and ask for 30, I also buy some snacks for the road. As I leave the store, I notice someone is looking at my car and taking pictures. "Can I help you?" I say rudely. "I'm sorry, this is just my favorite car. I haven't seen one beautifully restored like this in a long time." I take pride in that statement and smile. "Yea, this is my baby Privilege. It's an honor to drive her." The guy smiles and we start getting into a conversation about my car. I'm really impressed by his knowledge of classic cars. I ask where he is heading to and I can't believe he says Simi. I ask him why and he told me he was going to visit and old friend. He asked me what I was doing, and I told him the same thing. We part ways and I say goodbye to the older gentleman. He reminded me of someone, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Any ways, I head back on the road and to my luck, there is an accident in front of me. Great, now I have to wait forever to move.

I'm back in Simi after hours of sitting in traffic, the place hasn't changed what so ever. Simi is such a sad place to live in, but it has such beautiful flowers. A lot of homeless people live here and it breaks my heart. For almost ten years, I had helped down at my church to give them food and shelter. I haven't helped at my church for about two years now, but I never stop thinking of all the amazing people I have met. I pull onto my old col de sac and park. I knock on the door of my old house and my mom greets me with a hug and tears in her eyes. I love my mother with all my heart, she's always been there for me no matter the circumstances. I come inside and I make eye contact with the gentleman from the gas station. "Hey, what are you doing here?" I question. "Your dad had a car just like that..." he whispers. I get irritated and say, "How did you--" It hits me, this man in front of me is the same man who walked out of my life when I was younger. It's been fifteen years, and I'm looking into the eyes of my bastard father. I look at my mother and she apologizes over and over again. "You let him back in your life, again? How could you!" I don't know where to go or what to do, but I run out of the house. I call Adym because I don't know what else to do. "Kat, are you okay?" I explain everything going on and ask if he could meet me at a Motel 6. He agrees and says he is on his way. I sit in my car and I punch the steering wheel due to my anger. I feel like so much is happening so fast. I feel as if my life is just going in a downward spiral. The only person who can stop it is me. I drive and make my way to the Motel 6. I rent a room and tell the lady if a man with dark hair and a pineapple tattoo asks for me, he is allowed to know which room I'm staying in. I open the door to my room and jump on the bed. I close my eyes for what seems like a minute, but in reality is hours. I hear a knock on the door and I hear Adyms voice. I let him in and I don't really remember what happened after that. I remember kissing him and getting back on the bed, the rest is a blur. All I know is that I awoke to Adym sleeping next to me and I didn't want to move. I didn't have the energy to anyways. Today is a different day. I will make something great of it.

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