Thank You

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Thank you for the smiles, the laughs

The joy, the happiness

Thank you for the worry, the trepidation

All of the fights were preparation

For me to face my biggest fear

Youre not mine anymore, I shed more than a few tears

No, I'm not happy and I won't be for awhile

But you're still here for me and I appreciate it but I'm in denial

I can't believe this happened, or what you said

I lay awake at night, thoughts running through my head

I can't eat, so I drink water instead

You're still here for me and I cant believe it

Thank you for breaking me and picking up the pieces

The parts won't all fit

Pieces of you are missing from it

You completed me, you were my happiness

My heart, my soul, it all aches

All because you'll be moving away

I thought it could work, but you can't stay

We'd see each other 

Love one another

But instead of allowing us to grow apart

You'd rather break my heart

Do it all at once while you still can

So much hurt in a little time span

It's still you I think of

Getting over you will be tough

But I don't want to get over you

Not after the things we've been through

You were mine and I was yours

I can't think of you that way anymore 

Poems of Mine Where stories live. Discover now