"Clary are you—?" Jace was cut off by a ringing sound that came from my jacket. I dig through my pocket and savagely yank out my phone. I look down at my phone, 'Unknown number' flashed on my screen. I didn't think any of it and answered it.

"What." I spoke with my teeth clenched. Screaming at Alec put my mood down and so far I don't want anyone or anything putting me off or I swear I would explode with rage. 

I almost dropped the phone when my father spoke through the my phone, "Clarissa, thank the angel you answered me." His voice sounded breathless, which made my insides turn into knots. Something tells me he didn't just come from a morning jog. I bite my lip hard and let him talk first. "I don't have much time. I'm in Idris—"

"Wait what? I thought—?" I couldn't hold it in anymore. I started breathing hard while my heart pounded against my chest. Black spots started forming in my line of sight. "Why are you in Idris, father." I finished.

"Clarissa, I'm in Idris because I was found by the Clave." My father, Valentine,  chuckled dryly, with no humor. "I thought they had forgotten about me, but I guess I was wrong; I guess murder doesn't go well under the eyes of the Clave."

"But why would the Clave just come to you now? Hasn't in it been years since you've been accused or. . ." Actually that got me thinking. Did my father move away from Idris to get away from my cheating mother or to get away and hide from the Clave or both?

"In this world Clarissa, in the one you are currently living in, I'm known as Val Morgan, the famous movie producer. Under the Claves eyes I'm Valentine Morgenstern, the one that got away with murder." He lowered his voice. "Don't you think it seemed a little bit suspicious of the Clave hearing my name after not hearing anything about me for years." Oh god! Does that mean it's my fault that my father is locked up in Idris? I was the one who practically begged Alec to go to Idris. I shouldn't have blamed Alec like that; I owe him an apology. But then again it is so much easier to put the blame on someone else. Isn't it?

I rub my temples with my free hand and sit down on Magnus's couch. Tears were threatening to spill and the black spots were getting worse. "Does. . . does that mean. . . it's my fault your in there." I whisper back to him.

"No Clarissa, it's not your fault, I promise." He sounded so reassuring that it almost made me want to believe him. "I don't have enough time before I have to go. My trial is tomorrow at night—"

"Tomorrow! That's too early!" I exclaimed or at least tried to; it sounded more like a whiny child. I don't know why, but all this talking seemed to be draining me out of energy. Tomorrow's my father's trial! That barely gives me anytime to investigate or go through the things that Alec brought.

"I have to go Clarissa. Wish me luck and trust me you have nothing to worry about. I have a couple of supporters here." I bet he's talking about his old gang. I sigh and say goodbye to him. I put my phone down on the couch and put my head in the grasp of my hands. My head is pounding and my vision is starting to get more and more unclear.

"Here you go Clary. . ." Alec said as he made his way beside me. It took me a while to respond that Alec had to repeat himself. I was still in my daze, but a struck of lighting interrupted my thoughts. I look outside the window and see that it's raining heavily outside.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." I said as I got up from the couch and tuck my phone away. "Alec about earlier. . ." I paused as I took in some air. Is it getting smaller in here or is it just me? ". . . I'm sorry about my sudden outburst." I smiled apologetic at him. He smiled back at me, a grateful smile showing no hard feelings between us.

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