Chapter 7: Moving In

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Chapter 7: Moving In

The ride to the pack house was filled with loud heavy breathing coming from Riley.  He was still raging from my dad trying to take me away. 

"Is it the wrong time to tell you that I thought it was extremely sexy when you use your possessive Alpha voice?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.  It must have worked because Riley released the death grip he had on the steering wheel to hold my hand.

“It’s always a good time to tell me I’m sexy.” He said with a smirk.

“You’re never going to forget I said that are you?”

“Nope!” He replied with a cheeky grin, “I’ll probably use it against you too!” He laughed.  Goodness! Even his laugh is sexy!

By then we pulled up to the pack house.  Riley ran around and opened the door for me.  It’s hard to believe I was here just a few hours ago.  I guess I would get my night alone with my mate…

“… And this is my room.” Riley finished the tour and opened his door.  I walked in and turned on the light.  It was a very large room!  I didn’t get good look at it before… It had gray walls and hard wood flooring.  There was a bathroom addition on one wall and on the other a king size bed with a deep red comforter.  There was also a big couch under a window.  The black curtains were open so I could see the dark sky and forest. 

I looked back at Riley and saw him staring at me. 

“Do you like the room?”  He asked never breaking eye contact.  He slowly took the few steps to fill the distance between us.  We weren’t even inches apart. 

“I love it.”  I said quietly, fearing if I talked loudly I would shatter the moment.  My eyes wondered down to his plump lips then back to his eyes. 

“I love you.”  He said huskily.  He then closed the distance all the way making our lips connect with sparks.  It was slow and loving.  It made the words he told me just seconds ago real.  When we reluctantly broke away for air, I looked up into his eyes.

“I know it might be crazy, but I love you too.”  I said again and joined our lips again in a more passionate one. 

Instantly Riley took control.  I was getting rougher and more heated by the second.  He traced the outline of my bottom lip, asking for entrance.  I willingly opened and we started exploring each other’s mouths.  I couldn’t help the moan that escaped my mouth.    I heard the door click shut and lock behind me. 

“Riley trailed his hands down my sides, and when he reached my legs he hoisted one up around his waist.  Feeling brave, I jumped and wrapped the other around too.  I heard him growl in content; I was then thrown on the bed.  A second later Riley was on top of me shirtless.  All that I could think of was that I needed him.

“Are you sure you want to keep going?  I won’t be able to stop once we start.”  He said looking in my eyes.  His were darkened with lust showing his wolf was about to take over.  I know mine looked the same.

“I’m sure.” I leaned forward pressing my lips to his.  And with that we completed the mating bond.

I woke up to the smell of bacon and the shrill sound of children laughing.  Where am I? There aren’t kids at Aunt Gretchen’s house, and should never make me breakfast.  Then reality hit me in the face and I remembered everything about yesterday.  My parents showed up- who were supposed to be dead.   My aunt doesn’t want me.  Riley beat up my dad.  Riley. My mate.  I lost virginity to the man I love last night. 

I felt an arm wrap around my waist and tingles spread everywhere our skin touch, which was a lot of places considering we were still naked… I rolled over so I could meet Riley’s beautiful eyes.

“Good morning,” I said sleepily.

“Good morning, how are you feeling?” he asked after lightly pecking me on the lips.  A big smile showed up on my face.

“Fantastic,” I replied grinning.

“Hey, Darcy, can I ask you something?” he asked hesitantly. 

What is this all about?’ my wolf questioned.  She is nervous it’s something bad…

“You can ask me anything.”

“Well I don’t know if this is too soon, but will you move in with me?”  He broke our eye contact and looked at his hands waiting.  Wow, he must be really nervous!

“Of course I want to live with you!  Last night was the best night of my life! And… I don’t have a place to stay anymore, remember?” I said laughing.

He jerked his head up with a broad smile and kissed me with so much love I thought I would explode.  We broke apart when my stomach made the most unearthly noise I’ve ever heard! 

“We better get you some food before that thing attacks someone!”  He joked.

“Well I was kind of busy last night and missed dinner!’ I replied back.  Riley laughed, grabbed my waist and we made our way downstairs- after getting dresses of course!!


Well WV had ANOTHER snow storm... But at least I haven't had school, but the teachers made sure we had plenty to do.. I had 8(!!!) math pages and 4 essays!!!

On another note I'm sorry it's been forever again!! But what do you think?? They are mated!! The next chapter will be focused on her being Luna! Be sure to..




Love ya all!!!!


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