Chapter 4: Life Changes

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Chapter 4: Life Changes

"So have you heard the voice anymore?" Dr. Morgan asked calmly.

"Yes. They've gotten worse since I've met this boy..." I replied sheepishly. Wow! How embarrassing! I'm having guy talk with a stranger.

"Really? Is he cute? Do you see a relationship in the future with him?" I know she's just saying these things to let me feel a sense of normal.

"Ah.. Well.." I was cut off by a loud buzz.

"Sorry, sweetie! Times up for this week! We'll finish next time!" Dr. Morgan said in a rush and ran out the door.

"Well she's pleasant.." The voice said. I just sighed. Maybe it would never go away..

I walked out in the parking lot looking for the black sports car. It was parked in the back corner. I walked over and scooted into the passenger side.

"Thanks for waiting." I said looking down at my hands.

"I'll always wait for you." Riley whisper. I let out a gasp. He's being so sweet! Then I saw a mischief in his eyes.

"I'm taking you somewhere." He said as he started out of the parking lot. So much for being sweet!

"And where would that be?" I asked with sudden confidence. For some reason when I'm around him I feel nervous and brave at the same time.

"The woods. I need to show you something." He said smoothly. It felt like ice ran down my back. Part of me knew I shouldn't have trusted him! He's going to take me in the woods and kill me!

"Please don't kill me!" I cried out. "There's so much I still want to do in life!"

Riley just laughed at me. He was laughing so hard the car started to swerve off the old back road.

"I'm not," he laughed again "I'm not going to kill you, Darcy!" Riley said between more laughter. I didn't find this funny and I wanted to go home, but he had already stopped the car and was helping me out.

We walked about a half mile back into the woods and I was thankful for being in shape. It's not like I ever did sports or anything. I was just in my genes I guess..

We stopped walking on a flat part of land and he turned to face me. His face held a very serious expression.

"Darcy, do you believe in werewolves?" He asked. Now it was my turn to laugh. Was he serious?! When I met his eyes I realized he was and instantly straightened up.

"Looks like I'm not the only crazy one here." I said.

"I'm not crazy, and neither are you. That voice, I know you have it, I have it too. We're werewolves." He was completely serious when he told me this.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" I asked with tears in my eyes "Don't you think I've had enough of this? Or that I don't already know I'm a freak?" I was screaming and the tears were running freely now and I knew I had to lower my voice, but I couldn't help it. I thought Riley was a potential friend... Or maybe even more.

"No! You don't understand! Darcy!" He called after me as I ran down the path. I was not going to look back. I could hear him behind me, so I pushed my legs harder. I felt a burning a through my body and let out a scream what's happening to me? It felt like every bone in my body was breaking and then all of a sudden I was running faster than I've ever ran before and all the pain was gone.

"Darcy, please stop!' I heard Riley's voice in my head. This made me stop. Why was he in my head? I turned and saw a huge brown wolf standing in front of me. It was beautiful! It was the same color as Riley's hair. Then reality hit me in the face and I jumped back.

"It's me, Riley. Come with me." For some unknown reason, I actually followed. He brought me to a lake and sat down in front and looked at himself.

"Come look!" He urged me. Was this his way of telling me I looked bad? I walked to the waterline and looked, but staring back was a wolf with my light brown hair and blue eyes. I watched as the eyes bugged out and got big in sync with me. 

"Is this me?" I thought
"Yes, dear. It really is." I heard Riley reply in my head. This was all so crazy! How is this possible? It defies all laws of nature!


Riley and I walked around while he explained everything to me.  It turns out I'm not crazy and the voice is actually my wolf!  Another good thing is that Riley is my mate!  We are destined to be together forever! 

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