'Father. Lord Jork.'

Violetta bowed before the throne. As she rose, she nodded her head to Lord Jork in greeting.

'Welcome daughter. I trust you slept well.'

King Eagan's tone was warm and loving, suggesting nothing untoward. Violetta nodded. She didn't wish to worry him with details of her recent dreams. She felt her eyes drifting back over to Jork when she noticed him staring directly at her. A hint of worry crept into his crimson eyes.

'Lord Jork wishes to know your impressions of your first council meeting.'

There it was, their desire to pick her brains. Violetta urged herself to avoid Jork's gaze and chose instead to glance down at her feet.



'It was interesting.'

Violetta felt her fingers itching against the skin of her arm. She prayed that her father would take the bait and would not continue to press the matter. To her surprise, he let out a throaty chuckle.

'Ha! So it was, and what of the Emperor Ryore, my dear?'

'What of him?'

Violetta opted to appear indifferent, but she could already tell that her cheeks had betrayed her. Her nails scratched more fervently against her arm.

'Is he important to you, father?'

Eagan turned to regard Jork. His lips were bent in a half-frown.

'How do you feel about him as a man?'

Violetta's cheeks flared anew. Her father's question was blunt, leaving her at a loss for words. She envisioned the young man; pale as ice, with sea-blue eyes that hid a dark secret. She studied the image within her mind and had to admit that she found him curious.

'I'm waiting.'

Violetta's lips began to part.

'He seemed nice enough.'

That wasn't the answer the king had expected. His eyes glared out from beneath deep furrows. Before Violetta could ease the tension, he spoke up, his voice raised to a shout.

'It would be wise for you to forget the man! He would make a powerful ally, sure, but it would cost you centuries of our ancestor's honour.'

Violetta stumbled back as her father pounded his fist on the arm of the throne.

'If you chose to pursue such a man, it would be an enormous disgrace! His father is thought to have been a traitor and as always has been, his kind are our sworn enemies! I needn't remind you of what that means!'

His voice cut through Violetta's resolve, nearly reducing her to tears.

Lord Jork cast a solemn glance in her direction. He was a good man, deep down in his heart and Violetta took comfort in the fact that he sympathized with her. It was her father that was acting a fool.

'Honestly, I don't really know what to make of Ryore, father! He seems odd and so I am curious, yes. That by no means suggests that I have some baser desire to pursue him! I would rather be free to live my own life than to rule, be it alone or with someone beside me!'

Violetta's lips trembled with each word. Lord Jork stepped forward, placing his hands upon his dear friend's shoulders.

'Eagan, there is no need for us to jump to conclusions.'

But the king's eyes had grown steely.

'You shall not forsake your birthright!' he cried. 'You are to succeed me and that is all there is to it! Now, do away with such foolish notions.'

The Flame Queen: Book One of The Legends of Peradon Series (Ages 14+)Where stories live. Discover now