Chapter •1•

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Hi there, welcome to hell, we have Gorillas!


A Jackal suddenly walked into view, taking a seat in a chair before scooting closer to the desk that sat before her. She cleared her throat and stacked the papers in her hand before looking directly at the camera with a grin. "We have some exciting news today folks, something that we all thought to be nothing more then a story to tell around the campfire, has been proven to exist! Multiple cases of animals all around town have claimed to have seen a Human! Evidence of the sighting have been proven in this picture taken of the creature in an alley way. The suspect claimed to have heard a noise coming from an alleyway and went to investigate, he came across the creature, when without warning, it charged him! He says the Human had glowing red eyes and blood dripping from it's mouth! He took the picture just before barely escaping with his life!"

The Jackal motioned to the picture of a blurry creature running away down an alley. The things face was not shown, just it's blurry
(H/c) hair that flowed behind it as it tried to escape the scene, (S/c) skin that slightly showed between the strands of hair, and slightly tattered looking (F/c) clothing. "Citizens are advised to stay away from 121st Adders St. until the creature has either been put down or captured." She said sternly to the camera. Then suddenly her grin was back as she continued. "Now, if your not familiar with the tale of Humans, you best stay tuned, for it could possibly save your lif-"


The Tv was turned off suddenly, cutting off the woman's rant.

Johnny blinked at the now black screen as the sound of laughter could be heard beside him. He turned his head slightly to see the source of the noise. His dad sat there, trying to speak as he shook with laughter.

"Do-do they really expect us to believe th-that there is actually a human hiding in an alleyway?!" He choked out between his fits. "N-now that's the most stupidest thing I've ever heard!"

He elbowed Johnny in the ribs, causing him to let out a small, fake laugh of his own. "Y-yah, who's going to believe that rubbish? It's obviously fake!" He said, not fully believing himself. That photo didn't look all too fake to him, nobody could make something as real looking as that!

But it couldn't be real! Humans were just a story told to little kids who disobeyed their parents. Johnny looked down at his lap as one of his hands subconsciously reached up to scratch the back of his neck.

"I-I think I'll just get some sleep... I guess I'll see you tomorrow... goodnight." He said as he stood up and began walking to the staircase that led up to his room.

His dad grinned at him and nodded. "Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow."

With an awkward nod, Johnny fled the scene. Once he got to his room, he didn't even bother changing his clothes. He just got into his bed and laid there, thinking about what the news had reported.

____-The following Day-____

Johnny made his way through different alleys on his way to the grocery store, he would have passed the Moon Theatre, but he decided to walk a different route when he came to 121st Adders St.
He had to go through Adders street to get to the store, but since the sightings, he goes around.

Myths are Sometimes Real (Johnny x Human!Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें