"Yeah I know and we will go but we can;t cross the bridge before we get there." Harry began to give me his Harry begging face.

"What do you mean?" 

"Let's have fun today and go home tomorrow." Harry pulled me onto a balcony above the harbor. 

"No Harry we're not going to..." I looked over the edge into the deep blue water. Then at Harry."What are you doing!?!" Harry was stripping in front of me and about to climb over the edge. 

"C'mon we've done it before." 

"Yeah but Why do we have to be naked?" 

"Undies aren't naked. C'mon it's just like when we were little only it's less scary." 

"Harry I don't think it's safe.... I mean what If." Before I could keep talking Harry had ripped the dress off my back.



"Bridget!" He laughed at me."It's now or never." 

"Fine!"I smiled and climbed over the side. "I can't beleive I'm doing this again." 

"C'mon it's going to be fun." Harry kissed me on the cheek. "On three. 1 2 3." 

Suddenly there was a cold rush through my body. as my naked skin made contact with the water. 

"That was fun." Harry swam over to me and took me in his arms. 

Harry and I just floated there for a while laughing and bobbling up and down with the current of the water. "Bridge I know that you don't want to be with me but..." 

"But nothing Harry, I Love you as my best friend and I awlays will. That's never going to change." I just stared at Harry's green eyes for the longest time. I wanted to say something more but the words never made it to my mouth. 



"Don't Hate me for doing this."

"Doing what?" I laughed but was interrupted by Harry's cold lips pressing into mine. 

Harry's an engima, and once he gets a hold of a girl he never stops. 

"Harry." I whispered through kisses, "We shouldn't do this." 

"Who cares?" Harry got more intense. kissing me on the neck, still floating in the water. I moved away slightly but Harry clung to me like a leach not letting me out of his grip. 

"Harry please I'm dating your bestfriend." Harry pulled me out of the water and we layed on the balcony the door locked that reached it. 

"Louis doesn't Have to find out." Harry kept moving foward determined to get all the way. I pushed him aside gently and picked up my dress. "Bridge where are you going?" 

"To the hotel room," I pulled my dress down over my body and un locked the door. 

I always thought of myself as the only girl in the world who didn't want to hook up with Harry Styles. But my theory had been proven wrong. 

I stood infront of the bed flipping through songs on my Ipod. a pair of hand wrapped around my shivering body and Harry pushed his hips up against my back. "Harry." I shook my head at him but turned around and met his eyeline. His beautiful green eyes were bloddshot from the saltwater in the harbor. He pressed in lips into mine but instead of meeting him with a kiss of my own I pushed him onto the bed jumping next to him. 

"I never thought I would see the day." Harry laughed at me still shivering from the water. 

"Harry I've seen you naked before." I kissed him again hitting my ipod ont he nightstand with my foot attivating my favorite song. 

Really Love? (a One Direction Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon