[ nine ] -- purple finger marks

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I am so upset guys.

First of all, I have a really bad cold. So my head hurts, I have a fever, my muscles ache, etc.

Second, I was hoping for a smidge of happiness since I'm sick. So I was gonna buy 5SOS tickets. BUT NNNNOOO. Fucking ticket scalpers bought all of them and are selling them for 200+ $ when actually, 5SOS made those tickets $35 for us to be able to afford them.

Some people are so disgusting.

They would do anything for money.

Anyway, enjoy the new chapter of Dear Prudence.




[ nine ] -- purple finger marks

Ashton saw the tears in her eyes and was automatically concerned for her. 

“What’s wrong?” He asked her, his hands rested on her shoulders gently.

He heard her heave a sigh of relief when she realized it was him. “Its nothing.” She said, without looking at him in the eyes.

Removing her hand from covering the anticubetal area of her other arm, her gray eyes darted to the space. She hoped there was no visible damage that could arouse suspicion, but there it was. Small dots of blood soaking through her white sweater.

Ashton’s hazel eyes follow her gaze to see what she was looking at.

“Did you hurt yourself?” His voice sounded worried, and only slightly, panicked.

He had seen the blood.

“No,” She shook her head slowly. “I’m fine.”

The sixteen year old took a step back, away from him, to get his hands off her shoulders. Then she stepped to the side and tried to go around him.

But he quickly stepped in between her and the staircase again.

“Wait, Prudence.” He whispered.

He grabbed her arm in a firm grip, but still being gentle with her. She struggled at first, but eventually gave up and her eyes looked down. She couldn’t look at him. She couldn’t face the look of pity he’d give her once he saw how bruised she was.

And then maybe he would start pushing her aside just like most people did.

His large fingers gripped the fabric of her sweater gently. And ever so slowly and with tender care, he rolled the sleeve up to hve a look at the damage.

“Ashton-” She protested.

But he shook his head, signaling that he didn’t want to be fed any excuses.

“Shh, Prudence.” He told her.

His hazel eyes widened and his breath came hitched when he examined her thin arm. There were purple finger marks that contrasted with her creamy pale skin. Right in the crease, where her arm bends, called the anticubetal area, he saw a needle wound, like when someone gets a blood test done. But ther was a large purple bruise surrounding it.

Ashton couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

How could someone bruise up so badly?

The needle mark on her arm was letting out blood through the unhealed opening.

When she saw everything herself, it was as if everything were becoming so much more real to her. Like she needed to see it to believe it.

Suddenly, she let out a strangled sob and her grey eyes filled up with tears.

Pretty soon, she was letting out full blown sobs.

Not knowing what to say to comfort her, Ashton thought the best thing to do was to hold her and let her cry in his arms until she felt better.

“Hey, you’re alright. Don’t worry.” He said soothingly as his arms went to pull her into his embrace and she didn’t protest. She had been needing a shoulder to cry on. She held on to the material of his shirt tightly and let the tears stream down while his hand stroked her hair, trying to make her feel better.

But in reality, it was making her cry even harder.

She was remembering not just her sickness, but the rejection from so many people.

And then there was Asthon.

Ashton was not like other people. He didn’t tease her, make fun of her religiousness nor was he ever mean to her. He actually treated her like she was a human being.

He let her cry into his chest, staining his clothes with tears and blood until a few minutes went by and she seemed to start relaxing a bit. “Prudence,” He began softly, in his most gentle tone of voice. “I want to be your friend. Is there anything you want to talk to me about?”

She sniffed, looking up into his beautiful hazel eyes. “No…” She replied with a shake of her head.

“What happened to your arm?” He asked her, still trying to get her to open up to him.

“I just went to go get a blood test done.” She said.

“But that bruise is huge.” He exclaimed.

She shook her head. “That always happens. I just bruise easily, but I’m fine.”

“What about the purple finger marks? Who did that to you?” He asked another question.

“No one.” Her voice was quick and nervous.

She didn’t want to say it was Calum who did it. Calum already didn’t seem to like her at all and telling Ashton his mate was the one who hurt her would definitely make things worse. The teasing would probably get even more mean and merciless.

“That doesn’t just happen on its own.” Ashton reasoned, “Is someone bothering you? You can tell me and I’ll get them to stop.”

“I doubt you could.” She muttered under her breath.

She didn’t think Ashton would ever stand up to his mates for her. Little did she know that he had already done so a few times.

“Ashton,” She sighed, wiping her tear soaked eyes with the backs of her hands. “The offer is sweet, but...I already have someone who is always protecting me. And I know he will never let me down. His name is God.”

“You can’t just rely on God for everything.” He scoffed.

“Yes, I can. And you should too.”

With her opposite hand. she slowly rolled the sleeve back down her arm, covering up her bruises and walked past him to the bottom of the stairs.

Only this time he didn’t stop her.

All he could do was watch her go up the stairs and wonder so many things about her.

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