[ eight ] -- orange juice

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[ eight ] -- orange juice

The next morning, Prudence saw that the boys had slept over as she walked down the stairs from her bedroom. It came as no big surprise to her.

She had heard them talking and having a good time until she fell asleep.

And that had been a bit before midnight.

Her eyes scanned the living room and a half-smile broke out on her lips when she saw a two blonde haired boys, one with soft curls, the other with straight hair. The two were bunched up on one of the living room couches, wrapped in a thick blanket.

She knew they hadn’t gone home because she was wearing pajamas and her usual sweater, while they wore the clothes they had been wearing the night before.

Prudence strolled into the kitchen, hoping to make something delicious for breakfast.

She wanted to enjoy every meal, especially now that she was starting to reject most food.

Upon entering the kitchen, she saw Michael and Calum there. The toaster and the vegemite was out and the smell filled her senses. Michael was already sat at the table, eating, and Calum was by the toaster, waiting for his food to be warmed.

She walked towards him reluctantly. The cups were in the cupboard right above where he had set the toaster. With her left arm, she reached as far as she could and opened the cupboard. She quickly grabbed one of the glasses and shut the small door. Her eyes, which had been avoiding Calum, finally snuck a glimpse at the raven haired boy. He was glaring at her.

From the kitchen table, Prudence could also feel the burn of Michael’s stare.

Wanting to get out of there fast, she headed to the fridge next.

She opened it and scanned the contents until she found what she wanted. Orange juice.

It was her favorite drink and her mum always made sure to have it in the fridge for her dear Prudence. Her shaking hand grabbed the red carton box and pulled it towards her. Twisting the top off, she poured herself some juice and set the box back in the fridge.

When she closed the door, she spun around and knocked into someone.

She closed her eyes in fear, hoping it was Ashton. She knew he wouldn’t make a big deal out of the situation.

“What tha fuck are you doing?” A boy shouted.

It wasn’t Ashton.

It was Calum.

“I’m sorry.” Prudence squeaked.

She opened her eyes to see all of her juice was either on the ground or on Calum’s shirt, the glass she held in her hand was completely empty.

His eyes darkened in anger. “You did this on purpose.” He accused.

Michael laughed the entire time, despite seeing the fear in Prudence’s eyes.

“No,” She shook her head.

In a flash, a strong hand grabbed the shaking teenager by the arm, right in her anticubetal area. She flinched in pain. Just the day before, she had gotten a blood transfusion and still had the needle marks that bothered her.

“Calum, please stop.” She pleaded, feeling small trickles of blood staining her sweater.

He squeezed her arm even harder and she yelped in pain again.

Just then, Prudence was relieved when Lucy walked into the kitchen. Her smile dropped into a look of shock and worry when she saw her boyfriend messing with her sister.

“Calum!” She yelled at him, “Stop! What are you doing? Let her go!”

She rushed to her sister’s aide and tried to pry them apart, but his hold on Prudence was too strong.

With a roll of his eyes, he finally let her go and her hand immediately covered the space he’d been holding, in fear that there would be blood and someone would see it. She ran away from the kitchen while Lucy scolded Calum.

“I don’t want you touching my sister again.” She warned him.

“But she threw orange juice at me.” He complained.

Their voices got more faint as she reached the staircase. She heard Lucy say, “I don’t care, Calum. Mum and I can scold her. But you don’t have that right.”

Only a few steps from the stairs that would get her to safety, she bumped into someone else.

Her breath hitched in her throat when she was afraid of who it might be. If it was Michael or Luke, she was screwed. She was still screwed, but a little less so, if it was Ashton.

Her gaze, which was concentrated on the ground, moved slowly towards his face.

When their eyes finally met, she saw a pair of hazel eyes looking back at her. They were full of politeness, but soon turned to concern when they saw the fear and worry in her eyes. His hands rested on her shoulders as he asked her, “What’s wrong?

She was finally able to breathe when she knew it was Ashton.

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