The words i never said to you.

25 3 1

Look at me,

 am i perfect?

no one could be,

is the pain worth it?

Look at me,

i got a good grade,

why dont see,

the bed of hurt you've made.

SIt down,

lets talk for a while,

maybe i wont frown,

i may sprout a smile.

You have more that two offspring,

i do exist,

im not an invisible thing,

now i'm pissed.

why cant you Fucking see,

how badly  i need you,

how can this be?

help me make it through!

you dont see my cries,

you dont see shit,

my face is full of lies,

my heart, a pit.

Mama can we speak?

baby im busy, maybe later,

maybe im just weak,

maybe i should hate her?

she's never there when i need her,

yet is always there when i dont,

too busy to confer,

to beg her i wont.

I need you!,

cant you see?!

to lead me too,

Look at me!

Maybe one day,

i'll look at my daughter,

and i'll say,

"its me she never thought of"

i'll see her kind eyes,

and make her feel known,

she'll never ask in whys,

she'll never feel like me, alone.

From this day,

and many too,

i remember the words i wont say,

 the words i've never said  to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2012 ⏰

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