Chapter 4: Come with me

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"I'm sorry, what?" Aurora's face distorted into confusion. Quinn's glove crunched under the fist he made.

"Your dreams. They are not just dreams. They are memories. We must get your memories back, and then everything will make sense." He explained. Did she believe him? She had to, right? His body was still, tense, as he watched her warily. The only sound filling the space was the whir of the heater in her apartment.

"Memories? Did I have blackout episodes? Do I see the future? Why do you wear that suit?" She asked voice clipping at the end. "And who was that guy yesterday? What did he mean he was only 'following orders.' Orders from whom?" The fear from the previous night rushed through her core. He must have sensed it because he placed a hand on her knee and gave it a small squeeze. Aurora's heart skipped a beat.

"The fewer questions you ask, the better." His voice was low and full of warning. His hand rubbed her knee soothingly, but she did not feel calm.

"I want to know, Quinn." Her eyes fluttered up to his face, half expecting to be able to see him, but as always, he was hidden. Quinn's breath hitched at the sound of his name on her tongue, and he made a low noise.

"This is the first time you said my name." His voice had gotten softer, gentler. Maybe it was the adrenaline from the pain, or perhaps it was some primal instinct, but she liked the effect she had on him.

Much to her internal protest, his gloved hand left her knee. However, it wasn't all a loss since it found a new home resting on her cheek. Aurora closed her eyes and leaned into his hand; her hand reached up to cover his own.

"Quinn." She let his name land on her lips, soft and slow, smiling just a little. Perhaps she was a bit of a brat, but she had been trapped by him for years. She thought it only fair that she get some of that power back. A low guttural groan emanated from the back of his throat, and he shifted his body closer to hers. His other hand rested on her thigh.

"Come with me." His voice was raspy and strained like he was losing his self-control. Aurora placed her other hand on his forearm, feeling the rigid material of his suit. He placated under her touch, moulding into her hand. His thumb brushed her bottom lip gently as her fingers ran the length up to his shoulder and rested it there. His breathing picked up, his whole body waiting for her to answer. She had to think about it more. The entirety of her being was willing for her to go with him, pushing her to him, to trust him. However, her logical side pushed through. She could have gone with him, but she didn't want to give in without getting something back. Her whole life had been eclipsed by this man, and he had let her feel that way for far too long. She did not want him to think he could just get away with anything he wanted. She was not some lap dog that would follow any command.

"Not until you tell me more. I want more." She said. He froze on the spot. She could tell he did not like that answer.

"No." He was done being patient, it seemed. If that was the case, then so was she. They were at an impasse. Aurora stood up abruptly, causing him to withdraw his hand and stand up in front of her. That was a bad idea for her; she had forgotten his height. Being intimidating wasn't easy when your head only reached someone's pecs, especially if their face wasn't visible, to begin with.

Nevertheless, she couldn't understand why he was so adamant. It didn't matter that knowing everything was dangerous for her. She deserved to understand what she had gotten herself into. It was her life and her choice. She walked around him to put space between them, his body turned to follow, but she held her arm out to keep him away. Proximity made her head whirl, and she knew being near him with liquify all sense of control she had. He stopped an arm's length away.

"Get out of my apartment ." She spat out through gritted teeth. This comment didn't seem to surprise Quinn.

"You're not ready," he insisted, annoyance coating his words; all the previous softness was gone from his voice.

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