Nemesis JanexClockwork (Jane's POV)

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I hate her.

Sometimes I wish her death. 

But I live with her. 

I would say I hate her more than Jeff, I would. But at least she didn't kill my whole family in cold blood and leave me to fend for myself at only age 15. Maybe I should thank him though, it taught me not to trust people, to never leave my guard down because some disgusting murderous asshole can come in and take everything away from you. Your parents, your hopes, your dreams, your innocence, your home, your everything. Everything. I want to see his soul slowly leave his body as I stab him to death. I want his blood to spray all over the room as he fights to stay alive. I want him to suffer the way he made my parents suffer. I want him to choke on his own blood. I want to burn his corpse, I want him to disappear from this earth--

Why am I talking about Jeff? This is suppose to be about Clockwork.

I dream about murdering Jeff too much. 

Clockwork's second on my shit list. Once Jeff is dead, Clockwork better run for her life. 

I pour a whole bag of chips into a bowl and feel someone crawl up behind me. It's.. her. She grabs my shoulder and shakes me. A couple of chips fall from the bag and onto the floor. I winkle up my nose angrily and grab my bowl, hastily making my way to the living room couch. She follows, humming that same annoying tune as I sit down. She sits down next to me and grabs the remote before I can. She switches through random channels and she stops at a wrestling network. I roll my eyes and grumble. I'm about to get up but she changes the channel to Supernatural .

What the hell?

I blink and sit back down, watching the show as it's my favorite episode. I take a chip and take a large bite into it. There's a whole Supernatural marathon that lasts up until 1AM and there's so way I am missing out on that. I smirk get myself comfy. I think I can see a little smile on her face in the corner of her face and that's when I get out. I put the bowl next to her and walk out. 

She's planning something. Her smiles never mean anything good, last time I saw her smile was when she was a holding a bucket over my head with blue paint dripping from my head. She stood on top of me with an irritating grin and I laid there humiliated as everyone laughed. Perhaps she was trying to impress Jeff because he was laughing the hardest. He gave her a high five and she laughed with him. The bucket fell from her hands and she walked off with Jeff, still grasping each other's hands from the high five. They walked away like some married couple and I was the one who had to scrub the paint off the floor. Sure, Sally and Alice helped me but I couldn't fight the tears that were rising up from my eyes. She embarrassed me in front of everyone. They all laughed (Except for Alice and Sally who came to comfort me) and I had blue paint dyed in my hair for 2 whole weeks. Everyone in the mansion wouldn't stop making fun of me and I would fight the tears every time I got pointed and laughed at. Alice was the one who told everyone to fuck off while Sally hugged me and told me to ignore them. 

I don't understand. Why did she do that? Why does she hate me? What did I ever do to her? 

Do I steal away attention from Jeff? Well she can have him, I want nothing to do with the man who killed my parents. 

I didn't prank her back though. I wanted to. So badly. I'd do anything to see her beneath me, eyes full of defeat as I hold the vicious grin she tortured me with that day. I had nothing to prank her back with so I just avoided her. For 2 whole weeks

The third week is where Clockwork decided to show her face in my life again. This time she would do little things to annoy me. Throw little pieces of paper at me, eat my food, try to trip me, hide my clothes. Stuff like that. I tried not to let it get to me.

Week 4 she goes on and starts rumors about me. Saying that the only reason why I wear this mask is because i'm actually ugly. Clever very clever. It's eyeball worthy. I know I have raccoon eyes but I don't think i'm ugly... 

My eyes are a bright blue, like they're begging for attention and my eyelashes are long. Naturally. I have thin lips, shade of cherry red. Any boy would die to kiss them. They taste like my lipstick, strawberry shortcake. I have small star tattoo under my right eye. It's slightly faded. I remember getting that on my 15th birthday. My eyebrows are usually always colored in. I like them better that way. My hair usually curls around my cheeks and it's a bother having to move them away all the time. Alice says it makes me look cute. I'm cute, she says.

I'm not ugly. 

Week 5, she starts popping out of random places to scare me. She even runs up to me from behind and hugs me. I always push her off and yell at her to never touch me but she always does the same thing the next day. 

Week 6, she starts doing weird things and today is one of them. Just last Tuesday she opened the door for me. I hesitated to go in at first and when I did... it was the weirdest thing ever. On Wednesday, I dropped my make-up kit and she picked it up for me. On Thursday (Yesterday) She made me a sandwich. I refused to eat it because I was certain she had done something to it. She took a bite to prove she didn't do anything to it and... I ate it all up. It was a really good sandwich. Today, she put on my favorite show.... and i'm walking away from it. I hear her step up from the couch and her voice squeaks,


My eyes widen. She's talking to me. What gives her the right to talk to me? After embarrassing me? After bullying me? After harassing me? I clench up my fist as I turn around.

"What?" I say as harshly as I can. 

She smiles and what a smile, it's a small one. It looks... friendly. This is getting fucking weird. I try to give her the angriest look I can. It doesn't matter though, i'm wearing my mask. But it's like she knows what type of face i'm wearing right now. 

"Don't you wanna watch?"

"No. I'm going to my room"

"But I put on Supernatural. Isn't it your favorite show?"

"Yeah.... I'm not gonna watch it with you though" I spit

Her eyes lower and she sits back down on the couch, patting the seat next to her. She actually thinks i'm gonna sit with her?


I glare and I look at the screen.... My favorite scene... and I can't miss it. I walk over to the sofa, my eyes still holding up a glare. I sit next to her. Her whole body is relaxed on her side but I simply sit on it like i'm about to stand up again. Once the scene plays, I can't help but get comfy.... Dean... so cute...

"He's so fucking gay'

I quickly turn my head and look at her straight in the eyes


"For Castiel" 

"You know the characters?"

"Of course I do" She rolls her eyes and I gulp

"So um... you watch the show?" 

"From time to time" She shrugs her shoulders.

I restrain a fangirling squeal and I look back at the screen. I stayed in that sofa with her for two whole hours. Clockwork looks bored but i'm still intrigued. From the corner of my eye I see her take out a random book from our bookshelf and opens it up. I turn my head and I look at the cover. I can't help but grin. 

"The Female of the species" I say

She looks at me, her eyes widening a bit but still kept her natural bitchy face. 

"Such a good book, the ending made me cry" I admit shyly

"Pussy" She cooed. 

My smiling face drops and I feel a pint of anger hit my chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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