A Bed For Two... A MaskyxJeff Shit Story

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Jeff was sat on his couch eating a cupcake that BEN and EJ made. 

It tasted like shit. 

But he ate it anyways because he was hungry. He was alone in the mansion. Slender-man had left with everyone else to go training, Jeff made up a shit excuse that his back was hurting and that's why he couldn't go training. 

Jeff didn't know if Slender-man was tired or if he just didn't give a shit anymore, but he said 


And left with the others. He watched some random shows on the TV. Y'know, those crappy 90's game shows? Yeah those ones. 

Jeff perked up as he heard a thump from upstairs. He stood up and looked at the ceiling. He was left alone in the mansion so there should be no one there with him. Jeff looked down 

"An Intruder?!" Jeff thought to himself. 

He gasped and took out his kitchen knife from his hoodie. He ran all the way upstairs and looked around in every corner of the long hallway. 

He peeked into every room and looked in carefully. No one so far. He heard another thump from Masky and Hoody's room. "What was the intruder doing in their room?" He whispered to himself.

Jeff tiptoed to the room and peeked in, keeping his knife close to his side. He stepped in, raising up his knife. 

"Go to-!"

Masky looked up from his book. His mask was off and he was wearing his reading glasses. Jeff immediately stopped once he saw it was only Masky and put his knife back in his pocket. The brunette boy smiled at Jeff, closing his book. 

"-Sleep?" He said, finishing Jeff's sentence. Jeff stared down at him and rolled his eyes. Masky giggled.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had left with Slenderdick." Jeff said in an annoyed tone as he crossed his arms.

"I didn't want to go today."

"Why not? Aren't you always obeying Slendy and basically sucking up to him every day?"

Masky's smile dropped. He was now frowning. 

"I wouldn't say that."

"It's true though." 

Jeff allowed himself to lay on Masky's bed as if it was his own. He didn't bother to take off his shoes, which bugged Masky. 

"You're basically like his bitch, dude. He's got you doing paperwork and cleaning up the mansion almost like a butler"

"Shoes off, Jeffery. Sit up properly, I didn't even give permission to come in my room."

Jeff smirked and slid off his black converse shoes and threw them off. They both bounced off the walls and landed on the floor backwards. Masky looked extremely annoyed as Jeff snickered. 

"I'm not a butler, Jeffery. I'm just very mature, unlike you."

"Whaaat? I'm very mature, Timothy"

"Jefferey, you came up to me with you finger up your nose, claiming it was stuck"

"It was! I was terrified!"

"Oh Jefferey..."

  Masky sighed under his breath and face palmed himself. He smiled and shook his head. Jeff smirked a bit and looked at Masky's closet. It was nicely organized. One side of the closet had Masky's clothes which were hung nicely and folded up neatly on the shelf. Hoodie's clothes were slowly falling off the hangers and it looked like he didn't even try folding his clothes neatly, like he just threw them on the shelf and left. Honestly, Jeff could relate. He looked at Masky. 

"Man, Hoodie's kinda messy isn't he?"

Masky opened up his book and started reading again. 

"Yeah... You get use to your best friend being messy all the time. I don't even scold him anymore"  

Jeff watched one of Hoodie's shirt fall off the hanger. He looked at it closer and realized it was one of Masky's shirt's.

"Hey... I think Hoods stole your shirt." 

Jeff pointed at the shirt on the floor. 

Masky looked over at it and then back at his book. 

"No... I gave him that shirt." 


Jeff sat up, looking at Masky a little shocked. He felt hurt too. Masky looked back at Jeff. 


  Masky blinked. 

"You... You gave  Hoodie  one of your clothes but not me?" 

He crawled closer to Masky, giving him a sad look. 

"Yeah.. Why do you care? You don't even like my style of clothing." 

Jeff looked down. 

"Yeah but.." 

"But what?"

Masky took off his glasses, looking at Jeff. 

Jeff didn't answer. Masky scooted closer to Jeff and put his hand on his shoulder.


He grabbed Jeff's chin and lifted it up, forcing him to look at Masky.

'Jeff... But what?"

Jeff smacked his hand away and turned away from him. 

"I'm going to my room"

He sighed and got off the bed, standing up straight. Masky looked up at him, frowning. He grabbed Jeff's sleeve, pulling him back. 

"Wait no stay!" 

Jeff growled and shook off Masky's grip. 

"Why are you so defensive about this?"

Jeff took in a deep breath. He sat next to Masky.

"Because... Because it's not fair."

"What's not fair?" 

"It's not fair that Hoodie stole you away from me!" 

He shouted form the top of his lungs. At the moment, Jeff was grateful it was only them in the mansion. Masky stared at him shocked. 

"Wh... Hoodie... didn't... steal me away from you... What are you talking about?" 

"Well, it's just that... Before that whole thing with Hoodie losing his memory and stuff, it used to be just us. We used to hang out all the time. We would stay up for hours, making jokes and fucking around. Those were great fucking times. Had I known 3 years ago would be the last time we properly hung out together, I would have cherished every second even more." 

Jeff hid his head in his knees. His breathing was getting heavy and Masky could hear his loud breaths from where he was sitting. He heard a small whine escape from Jeff's mouth and he scooted over to him, putting his arms around him and hugging him tightly. Jeff didn't seem to care at this point. Why run away now if Masky's just gonna keep pulling him back. Why not enjoy being in his arms again. Hell, the last time Masky voluntarily hugged Jeff was 3 years ago. Maybe more. Jeff fidgeted a little when Masky started rubbing his back. 

"So that's it? You miss us?"

Jeff sighed and felt his heart speed up an increasing speed when Masky kissed his head. He lifted his head up and wiggled out of Masky's arms. He stared at him with shock. Masky simply smiled and giggled at his reaction. 

"God that was adorable." Masky said, picking up Jeff's hand and putting it on his own cheek. Jeff let him and stared at Masky in the eye. His face was red with anger, but honestly most of it was just blush. 

"Why did you kiss me, weirdo?!" 

"Because everything you said was so sweet and adorable, I really couldn't help it." 

"Masky, that's not very hetero of you" Jeff said, sticking out his tongue.

"Never said I was hetero, Jeffery" 


"Sex c:"

Masky x Jeff for ya!

Hope you enjoyed, yes they have sex btw, use your imagination~

Lukie Pookie~

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