It was just a one time thing... (Jason TTM x Candy Pop)

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Candy woke up in his bed. He slowly opened up his eyes. He was on his side with the blanket wrapped all around him. He resembled a human burrito! His hands gripped the sheets tightly and snuggled into them. He didn't remember his blankets being that soft before. He wasn't gonna question it though, just enjoy it and stay in bed. He heard a noise from the other side of the bed, like someone was messing with the blanket. His elf ears perked up a bit and he sat up. 


He yelped in pain. What the hell was that?!  He thought to himself. He had felt a sharp stinging pain in his... bottom area.. He let the blankets go for a second and immediately felt a cold breeze on his skin which made him shiver. He rubbed his own arms and looked down and realized something, he wasn't wearing any clothes. Candy looked under the bed and found his stripped boxers with his normal jester clothes and shoes next to it but he also noticed something else, some one else's clothes next to his. He quickly picked up his own and put on his boxers. He then reached to grab a grey/black vest next to his shoes. He didn't recognize it as his. He had vests but they were blue or brightly colored. He heard another shifting noise of the blankets. Okay, now this was getting weird. He finally turned to check what was moving and found a figure under the sheets. He took them off in a fast motion. (And what a shocker) IT WAS JASON. Candy Pop screamed loudly and Jason jumped awake. 

"I'M UP!" 

Jason shouted. He blinked and turned to Candy Pop who was now covering himself with his blue sheets. It took a moment for things to process in Jason's head and he finally reacted. 



Candy shouted. He gave Jason and angered look. 


Candy Pop was shrieking as Jason turned his head left to right. Damn he was right, this wasn't his room, it was Candy's. He could tell by the massive amounts of blue. He finally looked back at Pop who had calmed down just a bit. He was giving the Toy maker a glare that didn't faze through him. 

"Okay.. My whole body hurts." Jason said in a whiny voice. 

"Your  body hurts? Dude my whole bum is in stinging pain and I can barely get the strength to stand up. Shit, trying to sit up was fucking hell for me!" 

Jason tilted his head to the side and gave the blue jester a confused look. Candy shook his head fast and hugged the sheets.

"Look, that doesn't matter now. What we should be worried about is how we both ended up in my bed naked" 

"I'm naked?" (YES JASON *facepalm* LOOK DOWN)

Candy stared at him with a "really?" face and he nodded slowly. Jason blinked and looked down finding that Candy was right. He shrieked and grabbed a pillow to cover up his friendly member (lol im so sorry xDD) Candy palmed his face. 

"God you're an idiot"

Candy muttered incoherent things to himself. He put his hand down and looked at Jason. The Toy maker was looking down, thinking on how he ended up here in Candy's bed with Candy. Naked

"Hey wait.. Didn't we have a party yesterday?" Jason looked up at Pop

"What? No." Candy eyed him

"Yeah we did! And there were a lot of drinks and a lot of people were making out and all of those people who made out went upstairs to funky town-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, stop right there Toy maker! First of all, there was no party! If there was a party I would have remembered it! Second of all-"

"Then why don't you remember it? Hmm? Huh, Pop? Oh that's right because you had a little too much to drink!"

"Wh- huh?"

"Ah, I remember it now, it's all coming back! You came up to me while you were drunk and then I said 'Hi!' and then you started kissing me."

"What?! I would never!"

"Oh but you did, Pop~ I was so confused by it at first and then I realized you were drunk so I was gonna take you to your room so you could rest but then.. you locked the door and..."

"Oh no... Oh no no no!" 

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