We made our way back to the ballroom that haunted my memories.

I could still see the day Luke had died, like a horrible movie in my mind. I could feel the negativeness in the air.

My stomach twisted in knots and bile rose in my throat.

"Grey do you think if I would have tried just a bit harder...."

"Hazel no one could have saved him," he said pulling me closer, draping an arm around my shoulders.

I leaned into his neck trying to block out the room, that was exactly the same as all my nightmares.

"Hazel, look!"

I opened my eyes, to find Mrs. Turnage looking around, it looked as if she was looking for something in particular.

"Mrs. Turnage whatever are you looking for?" Asked Grey.


"Whatever do you mean?" I asked.

"If Elizabeth was here there should be equipment, like machines or chunky wrist bands, even tools," she replied still looking around.

"Why don't we help?" Said Grey gently to me.


We searched around the tables in the ballroom, but found nothing of interest.
We then looked in other rooms.

"I've found something!" I heard the elderly lady say from another dark room.

Grey and I found Mrs. Turnage in the other room with a table full of mechanical pieces covered in a thick layer of dust.

"This is just what I was looking for," she said satisfied, her leathery face lighting up. Her face then gained a sad shadow.

"What exactly are these things?" I asked, creeping closer to the dusty table.

"How exactly did you say Elizabeth fled?"

"She ran?" Said Grey as more of a question than a firm answer.

"Ah, my dear, now we all know that she time traveled just like you did, to this place," she said with a smirk.


"I was once a great time traveler," she explained "Elizabeth is my descendent, and so are you," she said putting a hand on my shoulder.

She did look like my grandmother, but that was impossible "how could such a thing be possible?"

"My dearest great granddaughter,"she paused, allowing me to wallow in shock.
Great grandmother?

"You are from a long line of time travelers, and you have time traveler in your blood too," she nodded towards Grey "Hazel my child, I was a time traveler, my daughter was a time traveler, your own very parents were travelers, and your... your aunt is too."



A shocked silence filled the room.

"You have just begun the many travels you could complete, and you have just unlocked the journeys of being a companion."

"A companion?" I questioned "what does that mean?"

"Any person that manipulates time is a companion, we are the companions of time," she said with a smile.

I looked up at my husband's tired, yet somewhat enlightened face. He gave a smile, and we turned our attention back the the aged woman.

"You two need to follow after Elizabeth, she may screw up the timeline, or may try to control that time," said my great grandmother with a stressed face.

"How could we find what time she went to?" I asked.

"By this," she said holding up a square little box, and wiped off the dust.

She pressed a button, and held down two buttons. The box lot up, and the little bit of screen on it glowed with numbers.

Mrs. Turnage, or rather great grandmother, studied it with squinted eyes.

"It seems she went to the early 1920's," she studied it closer "around 1924, the exact date cannot be known unless this was perfectly aligned with her machine."

"I have a question, when we came here our machine didn't stay here with us, why is that?" Asked Grey.

"Oh, yes. My daughter's machine was calibrated to stay there in her basement, and not to travel anywhere after she settled with that man," grandmother explained to us "it seems none of these wrist machines are set for it to stay in one location and line of time. These are much better for concealing and transportation, and they are yours."

Grey and I received a wrist machine, one each.

It was a band that was about three inches wide, with a small machine on the top.
One could easily mistake it for a chunky watch, or sweat band of some sort.

Grandmother taught us how to set the year, month and date on the wrist band.
It was quite simple once it was broken down.

Our wrist machines were set for 1923, in December. A day need not be set, so we would travel to  a random day in December of 1923.

Grey and I held hands, ready to save people from the terrible reign of Elizabeth.

"As one last thing you need to know, you cannot travel back to an exact date, if you have already traveled there, and please try and avoid running into different time versions of yourself."

She held the small control panel.

Ready for us to leave.


She had pressed the button.

She disappeared from in front of us.

A/n: hullo! Sadly this is the last chapter :'(
The sequel is already started! Again I would like to give a shout out to all my readers and supporters. You guys are the best, and I'm blessed to have your support in writing this :)

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