chapter 24

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- The Writings of Benjamin -

It had been two weeks since Hazel had become ill.
She was still ill, but after the first week she began to improve.

Hazel was oh so weak, but she was so persistent to get better.
Greyson rarely left her side, and he forced her to eat and drink so she could regain back her strength.

Hazel still slept quite a considerable amount, as word from the maids brought, and she still could not get out of bed, unless she had the assistance from one of the maids.

I had competed most of my work for the week, finally getting accustomed to how the affairs would proceed. There was still a small amount of work that needed to be done, but I could do that at a later date.

I sat in my study, and opened a window to air out the stuffy room. Breathing in crisp spring air, I ran my fingers through my hair, deciding whether I should go see her or not.

I couldn't bring myself to see her before, but she has improved a considerable amount, and I felt that just seeing her for a bit would be nice.

However, I might be a burden, and Greyson might have to wake her up, just so she could see me. It would be quite inconvenient.

I also longed to see her, I missed her cheery smile, and her positive outlook.

I groaned a bit at my internal conflict, and stood, walking over to the window.
The window faced the green courtyard, and a fountain sat in the middle.

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.

I supposed I should go up and see her.

The click clack of shoes entered the room, and I turned at the noise.
There stood a tanned maid, holding a stack of letters.

I took the letters from her, and she curtsied, and disappeared once more.
Flipping through the letters, it seemed all the letters were from the bank.

Seeing Hazel would have to wait, for these had to be answered immediately.

I sighed and tossed the letters on my desk, keeping one in my hands. I opened it and began the painstaking work of paperwork once more.

I worked for a while until all of the papers were finished, it had been hours and the sun was now high in the sky, signifying it was almost luncheon.
I put the letters in a stack ready to be sent out. I finished the other paperwork that needed to be done while I was replying to the other letters.

I sat back in my chair satisfied with the work I had done, glad for the break.

I decided that now I could see Hazel, since she was supposed to be eating soon.
I walked into the kitchen, to see if there was food for her. I would be one less trip.

The maid had just finished up setting up a little tray with soup and some bread.

"May I?" I asked nodding towards the tray "I am going to see how she is doing."

She handed me the tray, and continued cleaning up.
I hoped this would be a nice gesture since I hadn't seen her since she had fallen ill.
I was about to leave the kitchen, when I remembered that Greyson most likely didn't eat as well. He had not really left her side.

"Excuse me, would it be possible for a meal to be made for Mr. James, that I could take up with the soup?"

The maid nodded quickly, leaving her clean up job, and with a great pace began fixing something for him to eat.
She spooned out some of the hot soup into a bowl. She then took some of the meat that was cooking, and put it on a small plate, and adding some cooked vegetables on the side.

She added the plate and bowl to the tray, and I thanked her with a nod.

Again I walked towards the door to the kitchen.

"Sir, may I ask you a question?" Came the maids voice from behind me.

I turned around to the maid wringing a rag in her hands.

I nodded.

"Do you think that after Ms Matthews recovers, that they will take their leave?"

I looked down, I hadn't even thought of what would happen after she recovered.

"I haven't the slightest idea," I said honestly "why do you ask?"

She looked sad, but then looked up confidently "she is kind to me, Master Lucas used harsh words and was often cruel, she is so kind and good, and she gives me a smile every time I help her."

"It would pain me to see that she would leave so soon, however, it is their decision, for their family is probably wondering what is taking them so long," I said "thank you for voicing your concerns, I want to know how everyone feels. Things around here are going to change, the way Lucas ran things was not the way they should be."

"That is very comforting to hear sir, I hope everyone that is blessed to work for you, understands the kindness you have bestowed upon us," she said with a soft bow.

I gave a tip of my head, as a reply to her gracious action.

With the hot soup on the tray, I carefully walked up the grand staircase, and to Lucas' old wing.

It panged me to think about my missing brother, who supposedly ran away with Ms Elizabeth. If he had, it would make him dead to me. Such actions were not acceptable, how dare he dishonor our family, our dead parents and grandparents!

I missed him terribly, but if he did run away with her, as the rumors say, he will be disowned by myself, because of his despicable actions.

I really hoped he was just going to have some alone time, after he was embarrassed by the rejection on Hazel, but the fact that Elizabeth went missing the same night, can not just be a coincidence.

I walked to the door, and carefully held the tray, as I opened the door.

"I br- " my eyes grew wide at what I saw.

Greyson was leaning down, holding the side of Hazel's neck, as he kissed her on the lips. Her arm was holding the side of his neck as well, kissing him right back.

I closed the door, a little louder than quiet, and set the tray at the door.

I stood there for a moment, trying to process if that was what I really saw with my own two eyes.

I supposed that's what made turning down Lucas so easy.
I walked back to my study in a bit of a daze. It was such an unusual thing to walk into, I didn't think either of them had any attachment to each other.

Strangely enough, they seemed to be a good match.

I let go of all my selfish desires with a sigh, and wished the best for them.

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