20. Favorite Things

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The man hovers over her, one hand grips her throat and the other holds the very sharp pocket knife. The sharp edge lingers on her pelvis, scraping the skin deeply but not stabbing the skin entirely. Tears stream down her face, she bites her lip in pain as the man thrusts into her.

She wants to scream but the man said that if she did the knife would plunge deep into her hip.
She cries and feels the pain, even his breath burned her skin. She looks at the man, expecting to see her attacker but instead sees the familiar face of Flint. His hands tighten and his thrusts become more painful. She screams at the idea that Flint was the attacker and not the man in jail.

Clara sits up, sweat dripping form her face, her heart beating fast, her hips burn. The scream escaped her lips before she even had a chance to fully wake up. She breathed heavily, her head throbbing, her body shaking in fear.
It was just a dream, just a dream. She reassures herself.
The door to the office swings open and Flint hurries inside. He looks down at the girl, her breathing is fast and audible, he is relieved to see she is not harmed but sees her in a distressed state.

He goes to her, sitting on the edge of the couch he wraps his hands around her. He calms her with soothing shushes and kisses on her head.
She grips his shirt in am attempt to keep him in this position.
Her breathing becomes normal but she is still scared from the visuals that had gone through her brain.
Her head leans on his chest, his hands roam her back to calm her.

The sound of footsteps interrupt them, but instead of moving away from her, Flint holds up a hand as a way to tell whomever is in the doorway to stop. He keeps his hand up for a moment while the other moves through Clara's hair.
Najeem give the man a slight nod and closes the door, leaving the couple.

Flint puts his hand down and goes back to caressing her back. He feels a sense of irritation that something had scared her, even out of his control he felt the need to fix it. He hated he idea of her being in distress, even by something as small as a nightmare.


Clara relaxed in Flints arms, her body on top of his, her head on his chest. Flint laid on the couch with her for the rest of the hours the bar was open. She felt at peace in his arms, like her fears and her past had disappeared. He felt the same way but it only occurred to him now what his insanity was building to. He thought, while lying on the couch with her, that his constant worries about her and his anger towards those who hurt her were not insanity at all. He realized that his favorite thing to do, being with people who understood him, the foreigners at his bar, those who knew what he was going through, was no longer his favorite activity. That even the thought of going back to Scotland or back to his family wasn't his favorite thing. Flints entire life was changing right before him and he was only now realizing it. 

In the moment he heard her scream his entire night had switched into a thoughtful abyss. His favorite things in life, being with his favorite people, going to his favorite places, drinking his favorite drink, it all wasn't the same. Flint realized as he laid on the couch with Clara in his arms that his favorite things had changed because of her. Now she was his favorite thing. He loved her hair, her eyes, the way she smelled, the way she laughed, the way she walked and talked, he loved the way she was sarcastic and loving. All day while working his mind had constantly wondered to the idea of touching her and holding her. When he wasn't in the same room as her his mind was a mess, and when she was it was even worse.

Clara closed her eyes, loving the sound of his heart beat and the smell he carried. The smell of burning wood, like a campfire, and the smell of alcohol.
She wanted to apologize to him for ruining his night but she was worried that he would react poorly to her words, maybe make him even more annoyed with her. She felt like a burden and it was clawing at her skin to unburden him.

"I'm sorry," she mumbles.
He shifts his head to look down at the girl. His hand runs through her golden brown hair and another wraps around her waist. He squeezes her tightly before answering.

"Don't be sorry. We already talked about this, Clara."

She looks up at him and lightly kisses his jaw. This encourages him to pull her up, closer to his face. She shifts her body to hover over him to get a better look. She moves her legs, instead of laying on him she straddles him and leans down and plunges her lips to his. He cups her face, his fingers putting slight pressure on the back of her neck. She holds herself up by her hand pushing down on his shoulders. 

Their kisses move quickly and hungrily. She opens her mouth and prompts him to insert his tongue, which he does. After a minute of this she decides to change and forces her own tongue past his lips. 

Flint moves his hands and glides them up the back of her thighs.
The want for his skin to touch hers and with them already so close to where she wants them to be causes her to moan lowly and seductively.
Their lips attack each other like they are at war, not angrily but in wanting to survive. She bites his lower lip and he groans liking the idea of her taking so much control, knowing she is becoming more comfortable with him.
She pulls away suddenly, he is disappointed for a second but then instantly realizes what she is doing.
She lifts her shirt over her head and tosses the material onto the floor.
He smirks at the sight of her black Lacey bra pushing her breasts up. He glides his hands up her stomach to cup her breasts and with a small squeeze she moans to encourage him.

"God! I love it when you do that," he says.

"Do what?" She asks worriedly.

"Moan, talk, beg, the sound of your voice is so fucking hot," he admits. She grins and raises an eyebrow.
"I think I can do more of that if you'd like..." she says temptingly. He grins and squeezes her chest even harder then pulls her back down to kiss him.

He was going to have fun and let his inner devil have its way, as long as the girl didn't object to anything and by the look of her face, she wasn't about to.

A/N: I was surprised I remembered to update considering I'm on vacation but I didn't take in to consideration the fact that I have a 15 hour drive to and from Wyoming. Not to mention...it's in a small town in Wyoming, meaning I had time to write 👐

The sequel to Islands has been difficult to write only because there is a lot of tradgedy involved. I almost cried while writing a chapter. There are going to be two alternative endings.

My third story is called Another Girl, and it will be a love story involving the italian Mafia. I'm excites for you guys to read it, it's going to be very long and I plan on publishing it once I get done with the 30th chapter and someone makes me a cover for it. I have asked the girl who made this cover but it was nearly 2 months ago.

The Bar will have 2 other books, Freeing Clara and Saving Flint. The chapters in these ones will have more cliffhangers and will have weekly updates but that won't be for about a month after this book has ended maybe longer.

Lots of love💙💚💛💜❤

-Annelie Leddy

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