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"Violet get back here!" Violet's dad chased after her as she ran away crying. He had just yelled at her for spilling her mom's wine all over their carpet, and it had really upset her. 

He knew where she had gone but he decided to leave her alone. He joined his wife back at the party. 

Violet's POV

I ran up into the woods and climbed into the tree house.  I fell asleep but awoke hours later to screams and a gunshots. I immediately became frightened and looked out the window to see almost everyone from my pack lying on the ground covered in blood. There were some wolves fighting other wolves but I couldn't tell who was from my pack and who the other people were. I crawled into the darkest corner and cried silently until I fell asleep. I was awoken by my parent's friend Eric.

Eric's POV

I slowed my run as I entered into the Moon pack's territory.  I immediately smelled the strong stench of blood and rotting bodies. I rushed towards the pack house only to stumble upon what looked like the entire pack lying on the ground, completely slaughtered. I walked around to all the houses to see if anyone was alive. I went into the Blackwood's house and saw my good friends lying dead in their living room. 

I panicked and ran to their daughters room, she was no where to be found. I remembered she had a tree house. I ran into the woods behind their house on the off chance she would be in there. I climbed that ladder faster than I have ever moved in my entire life. I saw Violet in the corner not covered in blood and felt a wave of relief rush over me. I gently shook her shoulder. She looked up at me with a scared expression. I gave her a hug and told her everything would be okay. I got her out of there as quick as possible in fear that whoever did this would come back. 

Finally reaching my camp site I found Calvin and told him to start packing up our stuff. Calvin is my nine year old son, he is really mature for his age and can take care of himself, but after I saw my friends pack all dead I was worried for his safety. Luckily everything was okay and we were able to get out of there right away. 

If you haven't realized by now my son and I are rouge. Despite what you may think not every rogue is bad. After my wife was murdered by someone within my pack I took Calvin and ran, we became rouges. It's been hard for me to trust a pack ever since then. The only pack I could trust was Violet's parents pack.. and they were all killed. The reason for me going to their pack today was to ask David if he would welcome Calvin and I as part of his pack, he had always offered but I wanted to make sure I could trust everyone there... and I could, they were all such nice people.  I guess now we'll continue the hunt and I'll to raise Violet like my own. Watching her whole pack be murdered will make life hard for her but I think she will be okay, she's always been so close with Calvin and I think he will make life easier for her. 

Now to find a new pack....

(image at begining is Violet) I hope you all enjoy my new story, please let me know of any mistakes you find or if you don't understand something (: 

- Taylor

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