19 : too late

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conversation between prison inmate #10289 and defendant at Miami Penitentiary, 15/03/17

Defendant: "How are you?"

Inmate: "Fine."

Defendant: "You don't look fine." She touches the purple bruises that line her ex-lover's face delicately, a worried look on her face.

Inmate: "What's the sudden change of heart? We both know you don't give a shit about me or my family."

Defendant flinches as if she has been physically assaulted.

Defendant: "You know that's not true."

Inmate: "Right. Oh I forgot, you care about my cousin, the one who's not dead. The one enjoying his freedom."

Defendant: "I-"

Inmate: "Save it. GUARD!"

Correctional officer unlocks inmate's handcuffs and inmate stands up, handcuffs locked again.

Defendant: "WAIT! Sir, please stop!"

Correctional officer pauses, allowing her to speak.

Defendant: "We could start a new life, once you're out of here, you know. We both know you'll always have a part of my heart, and I still love you." Reminiscent look on her face, hopeful.

Defendant: "I haven't been good to you, but I crave your company."

Inmate: "It's too late for that. Maybe ask me when I'm in my 30s, out of prison and you're not a minor."

Inmate walks away with correctional officer.

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