15 : plead

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conversation from 21/02/17 after court hearing

"What are you trying to do?" the defendant hissed at her lawyer.

"Trying to save you from being charged with manslaughter, false imprisonment, battery, assault, and who knows what else they might throw at you to add to your criminal record with you coercing those boys to sleep with you and doing your dirty work," the lawyer snapped. "I'm trying to save your life. Realize that you could be sentenced to life in prison!"

"I know that," the defendant retorted, rolling her eyes. "I'm talking about the psych ward. What the hell am I doing there?"

"Language. The jury won't like it if you present yourself as an incompetent, low-life, not caring teenager who only cares about her popularity and not about real world problems. Wake up and realize that your life is no longer a cakewalk; you could be going to prison."

"You didn't answer my question," the defendant replied, ignoring her lawyer's "boring" spiel.

"You're going to plead insanity."

"What? NO! I am not INSANE!" the defendant yelled, standing up as she kicked her chair back. Her lawyer sighed, his head in his hands from the stress derived from working with this difficult client.

And this is exactly why she should plead insanity, he thought to himself.  She is completely, absolutely, whole-heartedly insane.

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