Chapter 1 - My new forever...

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Emilys POV

I walked into my room and layed down on my matress, the only thing not packed. It always smelled fresh like fabric softner.   I love to sleep. I always make myself sleep as long as possible. Only because, in dreams, you can't get hurt.

Alone, thats how I feel, thats how I've always felt. No one understands. I'm not afriad of being alone. I'm used to it. I'm afraid of dissapearing. I'm afriad i'm going to slip away from myself, and not come back. if I told people this, i'd be called dramatic....

This is why I like being alone. Then I don't have to rely on anyone but myself. I don't have to be broken anymore than I already am. I pray that god will send me someone to talk to.... So far. I'm alone. I have a good life. Everything any one wants, I have.

An ipod,iphone, family,house,to many friends to count.

But Im not happy. It's because of him. My dad. He left me.My mom. My brother.

Everyone trusts me with their secrets,but yet. I trust no one.I keep everything to myself. I'm begining to trust. Autumn, my best friend. But I know that feeling is going to be taken away from me soon. I push people away, I don't mean too.

Everyone thinks I'm so happy all the time. Have a perfect life.

I'm scared that i'm scared that I'm not going to be good enough for anyone.

I'm more afriad that I'm going to become more dangerous than my cover story....

Hey guys, So I know this chapter is very short, but I felt like this is how I needed to start my story, I wanted you to get a feeling of how Emily Nichole really is. I hope you guys enjoy this story.

Please comment and vote, also follow me on twitter @Emily_McKee

Love you guys

Oh, and I know my cover is the cover of a really amazing book, but my story isn't at all like this book. Just so you know...

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