Chapter 15: Visit and New Feelings

Start from the beginning

Hinata's P.O.V

It's so boring here in the house. Boruto is still in School. I'll have to wait for 2 hours until it's time for me to pick him up.

I was laying down the couch while looking up at the ceiling

Suddenly I heard the doorbell rang

I stand up from where I was laying and head towards the front door to see who it was

I opened the door revealing Jeon while holding a Lavender Bouquet

"Oh... Hi Sabaku-san" I greeted him

"Oh... Hi Hinata.. Umm.... Uh... This is for you" he said while handing the Bouquet of flowers to her

"Oh... Thank you. Come in" I said as I let him in

We both sat at the couch

"Is Boruto here? " he asked

"Oh... He's at School. His school end after 2 hours. Wanna come with me to pick him up later? " I asked

"Oh... Yes. I'd love to" he agreed

"Great then.... What do you wanna do Sabaku-san?" I asked

"Oh... Come on Hinata. You don't have to be so formal. You can call me Jeon if you want... " he said

"Okay.... Jeon-kun" I agreed while giving him a cute close eyed smile

Naruto's P.O.V

I blushed a crimson red when Hinata gave me a cute close eyed smile

"Hey.. Jeon-kun. Are you hungry? I can cook something for you if you want..." she offered

"Oh... Umm... I'm not that hungry" I said


My tummy growls loud enough for Hinata to here

I blushed deeply in embarrassment

"Are you sure you're not hungry? I can cook ramen... " she said

When she mentioned the word ramen I become more hungry

"Okay then.... One ramen would be fine" I said

She then began to walk towards the kitchen to cook ramen

While she was cooking I looked at some pictures at the wall

While I was looking at the picture. One picture caught my attention

I saw Hinata there on a wedding dress with a boy.

The boy is............ Me?

The boy and Hinata are both wearing wedding outfits. The boy's hand are around Hinata's waist while Hinata is kissing the boys cheek

While I was looking at the picture. A memory popped in my head

In the memory

"...*giggles*...come on Naru-kun. Look at the camera.. " Hinata pleaded to me

"..But I'm camera shy... " I whined

"Since when??... " she asked

"Just now..." I replied

She giggled at my childish demeanor. She then gently pinch my cheeks

"Can you look at the camera, and smile your most charming smile.... Please...... For me? " she pleaded

"Okay...." I agreed

When the camera is about to take a shot Hinata quickly kissed my cheek


I shaked the thought away

"Jeon-kun!! Ramen is ready!!.... " Hinata shouted from the kitchen

"Coming~!!" I replied

I then began to walk towards the kitchen to eat the ramen that Hinata prepared for both me and her

After we both aye Hinata washes the dishes

I just go back at the couch waiting for her to finish washing the dishes

When she's done she sat down beside me at the couch

"What are you thinking about Jeon-kun? " she asked when she noticed that I was spacing out

"Oh.. Uh... Nothing" I replied

"Umm... Hinata. I'm sorry but I can't go with you to pick up Boruto. Uh..... Gaara just texted me that he needs me to go back. I'm really sorry. Just tell Boruto I came to visit, okay? And please gave him that toy car" I said to her

"Okay... " she said

I noticed her sudden change of mood

Before I completely left her house I asked her something

"Umm... Hinata. Would you like to go out on a Hiking tomorrow?" I asked her

"Oh... Yeah sure, I'll go" she agreed

"Great.... I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at 10:00. See ya tomorrow" I said

I then opened the door and then left her house

It was a great time with Hinata. I think..... I'm in love with her

I then began to walk towards my car and drove back to me and Gaara's room feeling excited for tomorrow

Chapter End

Sorry for the wrong grammar and typo



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