Chapter 9: The Way You Confessed

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Hinata's P.O.V

After that day when Iruka-sensei told us that story about the boy named Taki and the girl named Mitsuha

Naruto has came to school

He's quite normal everyday

But there is one thing that is not normal in him

He always eats at the roof

The gang members once asked him why he'd always eat at the roof but he only said that he enjoys the view and its quite peaceful up there

He's also quite mysterious this days

He always looked outside the window spacing out

Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with him

But every time I went near him he walked away

I think he's avoiding me


I'm walking down the hallways heading towards 4th period which is Music with Kurenai-sensei

I arrived there just in time

I sat at my usual seat which is at the very back of the room

I always sat there because I'm too shy to sing cause Kurenai-sensei always picks someone everyday to sing in front of the whole class

A few minutes later Naruto arrived reading a book that I think is from the library

He walked towards me

He then puts down his backpack and sat beside me not noticing me

When he sat down he's still reading the book that he borrowed from the library

I looked at the named of the book

"Tips to make a perfect confession perfect.... " I read out loud

Naruto's P.O.V

While I was reading the book that I borrowed from the library

Someone spoke from beside me

I jumped a little in shock

I then closed the book quickly and then looked at the person who spoke

"Oh.. Hinata-chan... How long have you been there? " I asked

"I've been her long before you got here" she answered

"Oh... " was the only word that came out of my mouth

"So... Why are you reading the 'Tips to make a perfect confession perfect'..?" she asked

"Oh.. This... Well..... Uh.... I was kinda thinking of... *cough*....... Confessing to someone" I replied

"Oh.... She must be very important to you huh?" she said

After I told her that I'm going to confess to someone I can see her sudden change of mood

From happy to sad

I don't know if she's sad or what because there's so much expression in her face right now

"Are you alright? You seem sad?" I asked her

"I'm fine... I'm just not feeling well that's all" she answered

"Oh... " I uttered

After that little conversation with Hinata

It was an awkward silence between the two of us

It's so awkward as in SUPER AWKWARD

When I was about to tell her that she's the one I'm going to confess to, Kurenai-sensei arrived

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